You think you have a clue
Look at me and you will see a person who isn't all she seems to be
Curly hair, green eyes that dare, and silently dealing with more than she can bear
You think you have a clue? Who says you do? Maybe there's nothing wrong after all
Tears most nights, turning away from the light, and continuing to build up the walls
The black sheep, the one who doesn't fit in, trying to run but darkness always wins.
Scars on wrists, on ankle, on ribs. People not believing saying it's only a fib
Maybe it's all stupid, a cry for attention, if you ask my why I couldn't give you an explanation
But is that who I am? Truly I think not. If I was really that weak, then why have I fought?
I think I am afraid to let people in only because I fear derision
It is so much easier to grin and laugh, why make drama and bring up the past
The person who I let you see, that is the person I want to be
It does not matter that I am not perfect as long as I try to make this life worth it.