God Is My Incompetent Shrink
United States
34° 11' 14.9964" N, 80° 49' 56.0748" W
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Dude, you know I was raped, right?
No, I won’t go getting my hopes up in this life.
Hell, I don’t even like to show my face.
I want to rip it off and then have it sloppily replaced.
Like inexpensive fabric, I wish to tear myself apart.
All those bitches have fucked with my shattered heart.
On top of all that, I’m mentally digressing.
On the third of December, I am going to go chat it up with a psychologist.
I have occupational therapy with Emily every other week!
Yes, I am getting so personal here; I have a sensory disorder.
Also, I believe that my flow and writing kind of suck.
I don’t know if I am rhyming, or if I am just giving a crappy recital to myself.
Okay, it’s quite obvious that I am hopelessly depressed.
Well, to this girl here it is at least.
To anybody else, I have these elegant walls constructed.
I have built the ultimate castle of sorrow.
Some dragon is waiting to destroy this tower I am locked up in.
The oversized reptile could throw me in the crazy bin.
I have grown accustomed to my obsessive ways.
Many tasks are done in intervals of five.
I think my teachers consider that to be weird, maybe?
I have had OCD since I was a baby!
Nothing I do is ever enough.
I feel so awfully pretentious with all this poetry stuff.
I called the suicide prevention hotline on 9/11/14.
Why did I think that the guy on the line would care about me?
I then went back to high school and smiled like nothing happened, geez.
I aced all my core class tests.
I was simply told to try my very best.
What they all don’t know: I am a disguised cheat.
I have filled out so many damn college applications.
I feel that my ACT score and GPA define me.
If I don’t succeed in school, I will never succeed in life.
I’m ranked in the top of my class; however, those five letters have left their mental scars.
I feel like I am going to be a college dropout even with all my polluted gold stars.
But yeah, my English teacher said that I could be legendary.
I am now rambling to some false prophets.
If God doesn't believe in me, why should I believe in him?
Why should I believe in anybody?
Why should I believe in myself?
God is really just my incompetent shrink.
I tell him my problems, and like everybody else, he does nothing to comfort me.
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