My body is the twisted trunk of tree
Charred, cracked and broken
The branches that reach up the the sky
Are filled with lines where scissors tore my skin open
My leaves are scratches, freckles, and pimples
And everyone I claim as my own
My tree probably still looks no different from the rest
Because I hide these scars in my soul
My head is the blood moon in a night sky
With craters and cracks from age
My eyes are two vast open seas
In which you can read my story page by page
My nose is a rocky mountain
For the snow didn't want to share its softness
My mouth is a large gaping hole
That lacks the sound to go with its openness
My body is a long vast curving hillside
That man may only hope to call his own
And what I have in curvacous diamonds
Makes up for how little I've grown
My body is covered in grass
But I hope it doesn't repel humanity
And last but not least, we get to my feet
And if I stumble one more time, I'll lose my sanity
My flaws make up a 24-carat diamond
But the diamond is much too shy
Mirrors reflect back the beauty I possess
As ugliness to those large eyes
I can't look at my body without gagging
And I spent my time staring at the floor
But If I continue this list
I could go on for a year or four