
I am the girl that wears a lot of make up, which hides who I really am.
Eye shadow, eye liner and foundation, I wear it all.
The make up disguises who I really am;
A brown skinned conceited woman is what I appear to be.
Behind the make up is a little girl that is as sensitive as a newborn.
A sensitive shy girl is hiding to prevent being hurt,
Little did she know the one she trusted would hurt her the most.
I tried to pick up the pieces of the shattered heart but it shatters even more everyday.
As my heart deteriorates my make up beautifies.
I look in the mirror and see right through my eyes.
I see the pain on my face when I look through the mirror.
My make up becomes more fashionable to distract from my real emotions.
My mask is hiding my story and shielding my heart from being seen.