Pay No Attention to that Man Behind the Curtain (The Wizard Within)
Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain,
For he is an introverted tune
Purred quietly by a lion,
To be hummed along with,
Like the mellowing strum of
An acoustic guitar.
Pay no attention that man behind the curtain,
For he wishes to warm everyone
During the cold wintry seasons,
But his touch can be as frigid
As a tin man's skin is
While rusting in the snow.
Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain,
For the thought might not
Even cross his brain
As to where he is headed
Or if he is simply to remain,
Serving solitarily as a scarecrow.
Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain,
For he is like a lost little child
Searching for a way to get back home.
He will make a few friends
To call his own,
And they keep him from searching all alone.
Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain,
For even though, now that you already know him,
He might not admit to what's true and what's fiction,
For his fears are his vice,
And they suffocate his vision
Of someday taking down his curtain.
~Zachary Tabor