Build their strength
Have you ever felt the pain in your heart?
The pain of your soul being torn apart.
It doesn't feel nice in fact it hurts,
your being torn apart and no one can hear.
No one speaks of it everyone hides behind a happy shadow,
a world filled with lies.
Those who have felt it some have survived,
but others fall down under its angry hold.
Those who don't survive deserve a moment of silence
because we left them in the shadows to be eaten in sadness.
Those of you who have lived are strong,
but you see others hurting and you do nothing.
You know you can help because you've been there too
So what will you do let them be eaten
Or build their strength?
You who have felt the giant shadow of pain
it's mean, it's dark it gives you false words.
And you believe because you hear nothing else.
It can drive you too madness you've felt it too
It controls you.
"YOU ARE WEAK" so it says,
but your strong as you've learned
so I ask you again will you help them
build their strength?