For The People Who Don't Know Me
My mask covers from my forehead to my nose,
The black gloves trail up to my elbows,
I cannot really say who I am,
Just be aware wherever you go.
Yes, some refer to me as the superhero of all superheroes,
Fighting misdeed in the shadows.
But if, just if, I could illustrate myself to all of you
Here is exactly what I would do.
First, I’m on the outside looking in half the time
I cannot exactly be a part of the “in” crowd
I don’t belong to a single group
And I never know what to say.
Portrayed on the outside,
I am weak and unstable.
My emotions run deep
And I can never hold in my tears.
But when I put on my mask,
It’s like a whole new me.
I show no resistance
To the people around me.
I’m hiding from you because I don’t want to be you.
All of your glamour and sequins.
I’d rather be out of the spotlight
And in the darkness of the night.
I see everything.
From the way you bully others,
And the way you put up your facade,
And that is exactly what I want to try to stop.
There will always be some battle
Of good versus evil,
And that is what I want to prevent
But as long as you’re around, it can’t be done.
I want to tell you what I do
Besides this role I have put myself in
I am also a great leader
In a corps of people who look up to me
I am capable of stopping the fight
Because I want the fight to end
But your argument is music to my ears
When I play my violin.
I would tell you where I live,
Because it’s not just some bat-cave
I live in a normal house, with a normal family,
We are even neighbors.
You never pay attention to me
We walk by each other in the halls every day.
I try to catch your eye,
But you just look away.
And last, I would say my secret identity,
My prized possession,
And show my face behind my mask,
For all of those to see who I may be.
They tell me to just tell you who I am
But I know you would never look at me the same way again
I don’t want some special treatment from you
I don’t want things to change.