I Am Flawless.
Sometimes my hair is curly and sometimes it’s just messy,
Sometimes I wear makeup but most of the time I won’t.
I can dress up and I can dress down but what I do is my business – not yours,
If you have a problem with that you can keep it to yourself.
I will say what I want to say because the constitution says I can -
I will speak my mind for as long as I live because I have a voice.
I have a voice that no one can take away from me.
I won’t ever change for you or anyone else for that matter,
And the sooner you get over that, the sooner we can be friends.
I am independent I am intelligent I am strong I am driven and I am unstoppable
And don’t you ever try to tell me otherwise
Because I won’t ever believe you.
If you try to put me down I’ll just brush you off like nothing happened,
No man or woman will ever break me down because I am built on a concrete foundation
You can’t shake me.