The boy behind the mask
Don’t ever say can’t.
That is the message
that was given to me
my entire life.
I’ve learned that out
of all my life lessons,
this one is going to
help me the most
as I venture out
into the world.
I’m not like most teens,
I rarely visit friend’s,
the only sleepovers I
ever have are
usually on someone’s birthday.
I don’t find fun
in the ways of other teens.
Riding roller coasters,
watching scary movies,
walking through haunted houses,
dating girls,
they all bother me.
Although I could
never understand
why before,
I’ve come to realize,
plain and simple,
I’m different. Unique!!
I believe I have
come into a conclusion.
That I don’t have
a messed up head,
rather, I have
just a bunch of phobias.
When I was younger,
they were much worse.
Hiding underneath tables!
not talking to the other kids,
Although I don’t have
a clear memory of that,
on the account of
being so young,
I can see the effects
that it has now
on my mentality.
I’m passive-aggressive,
which means
I don’t get angry…….
very often!
And when I do,
I’m the one that
feels so sorry afterwards.
Everyone thinks
I have it all together…
I’m this perfect boy wonder!
This has hindered me
in the way of sports.
I’ve competed in football,
cross country,
and track.
However, I find no joy
in any of the sports.
Many people then ask,
“Why do you play them then?”
That statement itself
is the problem I find in sports.
Unknown to all.
I have a fear of failure
and losing.
It drives me to the near
point of insanity.
When I find that someone
is better at something
than I am.
Everyone thinks
that this makes me very competitive.
Short and simple;
It doesn’t.
Instead it causes me
to be afraid of
and fear competition.
My life is extremely shallow,
dealing with
my constant battle
between perfectionism,
and allowing others to shine,
so that I don’t have to
compete against them.
Second place….he came in fifth,
third place, twenty first …
no bronze medals for me.
I hate those words
but fear holds me back.
It’s time I stopped
being such a coward, and start
being a David,
slaying my Goliaths!