Dialogue with Death
And thus begins a discussion, occurring on a cold December day, which came upon my person as I lay, between myself and dearest Death, who hath come to taketh me away.
DEATH. “Hello, dear friend, we meet once again. I’ve chased you so many a day, and you hath always evaded the way. Not by choice, of course; humans may not live as they please, but rather, due to circumstances surrounding thee. But alas, the time has come for you to leave this Earth and all which you have dreamed.”
ME. “Oh! What a coincidence, I’d been looking for you. For the longest time I had thought you’d be due. But, nay, how bizarre that you should now appear, after I hath found one to hold so dear.”
DEATH. “What an odd greeting from one who, to me, was always fleeting... Yet that is how the times hath moved, a teetering chase between me and you. You hath tempted me before, but, you see, I was not ready. More time was needed for thy soul to steady.”
ME. “Oh, yes, but of course, I knew it as well. I simply had thought I was already in hell. Too eager to meet you, I’d rushed along my way, forgetting to give proper greetings to Life, and to thank her for my stay. Now that I see what bliss she may bring me, I suppose it is fitting for her, well due, repaying. I’d disrespected the gifts she tried so hard to deliver, disrespected her delay of your travel down the river.”
DEATH. “Life will be joyous to hear it, she had fought my departure off the raft in the Styx, leaving me stranded and sending you only my tricks. Now come along quickly, we must rapidly go, no matter your sentiment, the time is now lo.”
ME. “I am coming, I am, and I shan’t drag my feet. I’ve taken all I need, my memory is one which cannot be beat. As long as they’re with me, then I shall be fine, I’ve savored every moment of my pleasant times.”