A Flawless World
One is fearless when one has fears that they overcome.
One is flawless when one has flaws that they overcome.
And by overcome, I don't mean get rid of. I mean embracing, accepting, even when it's painful to the touch to admit. You admit them anyway.
How many of us actually admit our own flaws?
How many of us bring up our flaws because we want others to say, "No, it's not that bad!"
But if this was a world where everyone was ugly,
Where everyone had 10,000 pimples, and knotted split-ended hair, and black circles under our eyes, and was "fat" and "flat-chested" and had an awkward nose and invisible lips
If we lived in this world, would we care? Would we cringe and cry and cover our eyes?
No. And the fact is, we do live in this world.
Everyone has their own flaw. Some just hide them better than others,
Hide them and be secretly ashamed as if they were having an affair with their acne or their weight
Some use the knife, surgery or their own. Some use walls like makeup or baggy clothing.
And because we hide, we believe that we are ugly and that everyone else is that--flawless.
Little do we know that
The perfect girl next to you wishes she was never born
The perfect boy to your left is ashamed of what he has grown into
The perfect person in front of you doesn't know that beauty
Is something that is in everyone
It is attached to flaw, married to flaw
A package deal, some would say
That perfect person would never say that they are perfect
Because saying you are perfect
Is being one in the million
You are cocky. You are lying.
Look at the flaw, right there!
But that flaw is part of you
And you are perfect
Because you are born in a world
Where everyone is flawless.
So if you ask me what I hate the most about myself, I will tell you nothing.
If you ask me what I love the most about myself, I will tell you everything.
And if you ask me if I am flawless
I am as flawless as you
And you
And the rest of the world.
I may not have overcome my flaws completely
But I'm working on it.