What ive been through ,im here for you
There is something you will never see....
The true me ,hiding behind all these lies wanting to feell accepted ,wanting to be regonized.
I dont want people to think of me boring and she has no life .
I spice up every situation then what it is truly to be, tell a random story just to get some attention off my sisters and on to me .
Im the baby of the three and i feel i work the hardsest but will never be anything
A strict mother and a family i cant really talk to full of stubborn people that dont like to do anything
Deep thoughts make my mind wonder off , cutting, and cooking wont help so i go to caffeine and sweets then my family complanes and says youll get diabeties .
What is there really to do , nothing but cry especially if you have no one to vent to . Ive told you a life story in a few sentances now i have to just leave you , let you think and let me know what have you really been through .Im here for you