I hide behind transparency
A clear mask distorts my features
Until they appear truth,
Until they appear the only reality ever known
Irrefutable and breathtaking
As I take in breath, each one becomes more of a strain
I'm gasping in terror that someone will see through my see-through facade
People tell me I look smart
Like I've got it all together
But in reality, it'd only take the weight of a feather
Some wind, a change in weather to break me,
To send me spiraling towards my own oblivion
I go there often, to the place of cloudiness
My mask pulls me back to the surface before I suffocate
But shame still heavies my heart
If I was asked to go back to the start
I wouldn't be able to pin point when exactly I began to hide
But I think I can say why- I'm scared
I don't know if I want to meet the future
There's all these expectations,
Most of them I think I've forced on myself,
And all of them are drowning me
I'm hitting the rocks at the bottom of this ocean of mediocrity
I'm not special
I've honestly always been that student
The one who answers all the questions right
Had the highest grade in class
And the need for constant validation
But as I've matured I've realized that doesn't necessarily set me apart
Just because I'm smart
Doesn't mean I'll meet the level of success I wish to
Or that I can compete with others
See, I'm neither overally privileged
Or have some grand story of perseverance
I am mild
Merely lackluster
But my mask alters that
It makes me appear like some grand kick ass being
That has confidence in all she does
That has enough time
That doesn't waste time
That doesn't lie awake in fear at night
That she'll fade into nothingness
My mask allows me to be the person everyone expects me to be
But under it I'm cracking
And I just can't let anyone see that
Maybe one day I'll pull off my mask
But for now fear holds it tightly to my face