A Dialogue on Little Girls
There is a certain dialogue concerning little girls
It tells them
You can always stand up for what you believe in
but don’t stand that tall.
You should never fear speaking your mind
unless your mind is speaking what we fear.
You hold the power to change the world
but only how we see fit.
You see,
Little girls are not meant to have big mouths
Little girls are supposed to wear frilly pink dresses and heels
Little girls are supposed to like finger painting and story time
Little girls are supposed to cover up, shut up, and look up
to the men that rule their worlds.
And when little girls grow up, the dialogue stays the same.
This time it’s
You can be whatever you want to be when you grow up
but you’ll get paid less for doing it.
You now have legal protection against attackers
but you surely provoked them anyways.
You probably can’t change the world,
but we’ll enjoy watching you try.
You see,
There’s this idea people have about girls,
They think we’re little.
They think because our bodies are smaller it means our brains are too
That we’re not as strong
Or as brave
Or as smart
But let me tell you something
Little girls, we’re a force of nature
We hold the key to the universe in our frilly pink pockets
can stomp the whole patriarchy tap-dancing in our heels
paint entire galaxies with nothing but our fingertips
tell stories of other little girls
with big mouths
like ours
Little girls with big mouths, changing the dialogue
of the world