Plea Bargain
This is Plea Bargain from a love torn apart,
Searching for someone, something to mend this broken heart.
As I send these words out, hoping they shall return,
I stand here shallow, a vessel, while my heart yet burns.
Maybe it's in His will, God's plan I suppose,
For me to find love or be lonely, who knows?
I hide behind a mask, waiting for what's coming,
While my heart aches and a tune constantly humming.
A tune I say, only another lonely heart will understand,
Maybe that heart is here, there, or across the land.
As for me, I'll travel great distances, reach out far and wide,
To discover that special someone to make my bride.
Until that time, I'll keep this mask,
And look towards the future and not dwell on the past.
Because my soul longs for a love, a love that's true,
So this vacant heart can be shared by two.
A Broken Heart