New Year's Eve
The tik-tok of the clock
The whistling and hissing of the winter air
Roaring and screaming that suddenly stops
Long enough for a heart to beat once
The resounding gong of the clock that struck twelve
Upon a new hour, a new day, a new year
Running and sprinting and clunking down three flights of stairs
And past the pool that hasn’t been used since last year
And up the creaking boards to the roof of the pool house
Where a fire is crackling and popping and burning
And standing with friends that ran just as fast
To stand on the ledge in the cold silent air
And look out on the city that has always been there
To watch the first explosion go off in the sky
The first fire, the first light, the first dream
And then all around fire lights up the sky
And out goes a shout in the invisible black air
As all are happy to send off a new year
I stand there a moment and take in one last breath
Letting out memories with the frozen air
And embracing new ones with grace and care