This face you see It isn't really me Why don't you talk Because I talk a lot Let me hear your voice No, that's a foolish choice You might not like me I'm a far different person than you think me to be Tomorrow you probably won't talk to me Why is it like this How I look How I talk Just write it on my forehead with chalk I want to know why I feel like a ghost I wish I could just disappear From friends From those who I love most Everyday I hope to be my last Get away from me Death come fast Put me and my mask to rest at the bottom of the sea No, don't do that don't let the wretched demons win You're not a nuisance, you're not a gnat People love you Take off the mask Peel it off of your face Melt it off Hide it from the human race Don't kill yourself Just the darkest part
Poetry Terms Demonstrated: