I am proud to look like me.
Not Kim Kardashian.
Not Megan Fox.
Not even like the freakin perfect blonde in my Chem Class.
I like me.
Yes, my hair is always falling out of place.
I wear mismatched socks.
Who cares?
I am me.
Just me.
If I dyed my hair, then I wouldn't be me.
The man above blessed me with my rigorous waves and patterns.
Flat irons, make up
Fake perfection to gain approval
Yes I use them
What girl doesn't?
Change vs. Improvement
I improve my soul, to become a better me
I don’t change my ways, to become someone I’m not
Don’t hide your originality under society’s perceptions
Be Different
Diversity is okay
Cooky is okay
Weird is okay
If we all looked the same, we wouldn't make an impact
Dr. Martin Luther King was different
Gandhi was different
Mother Teresa was different
You are different
I am different
Leaders are different
The next time you look at yourself in the mirror
Don’t look for imperfections
Look for difference
God doesn't bless the normal ones
His children always stand out