No one Knows
A roar from the audience
Turns my stomach into knot's
The curtain is lifted
And I am all they got.
I enter this building of misery
where you are supposed to
Learn about a better Future.
I have many friends that Love me,
good grades, and do activity's
But none of my friends really know.
I go home and enter a world of social media
where I can hide once more.
My audience I preform to,
my friend who think they know me,
the viewers who think I am happy,
Don't really know.
Who am I?
I am scared, terrified, stuck in a deep hole to weak to climb out
I am trapped because I am not happy
I believe there is No One who can make me happy
I am the Good Friend
The Listener
The Support
The Help
But in the inside I cry for my friends,
I desperately long for companionship,
I hear stories of love that I want to experience
But I act and perform,
put on a show
that I don't need a man
and that I can be the good friend who's all on her own
Friends look at me and see Strength.
But that is something I am not
I am the one who asks
I am the one who want to know
I am the one that is There but Never Looked at
so I act like I am happy
But inside I am wanting someone to Want Me,
To find me first,
I am tired of looking,
I am stuck in this vast hole where I cannot see light
But I put on a show and make everything look alright.