Love sick and in between
My heart melts when it looks through yours.
Your smile, Your glare, You're swell.
My face lights up like a sun ray only to know you don't notice it.
The constant scenerios made in my head that I know won't get me no where.
I want to know what you think. Your emotions, your scares, what you watch on TV.
But I don't have the courage to even say hi because in scared of what you think of me.
When I look at you and you look away.
When I look away then you look at me.
The nights of no sleep and overthinking at three.
My heart beats fast when you pass by. only to be left with dissapointment of being unkonwn and unrecognized.
Time is flashing and I know I have to make you notice me before the I'll see you never and miss that opportunity.