Loud and Proud
Trained ears,
Strong mind.
Studied mind,
Exercised mouth.
Hashtag: Feminist.
Hashtag: Liberal.
Hashtag: Woman.
Twitter, Facebook:
Say it.
Just say it.
I said it.
Start it.
It’s started.
Move, move, move.
Stand up.
I stood up.
Disliked, called names.
I’m doing something right.
Pass it on.
Pass it.
I am woman.
Hear me NOW.
X on my stomach.
Mine, mine, mine.
Stay out.
Callalily does not equal cattail.
Does not equal.
Not an equation, shouldn't be.
Have voice, will speak.
“Vocal is flawed” – Society.
Flawed, you say?
FlawLESS, I believe.