Yellow Brick Fool
Yellow Brick Fool
I represent the lollipop slang,
my language marks class,
well spoken, or gang.
The wonderful wizard of ostracization
prompts concealment of character
to defy my creation.
“Your appearance falls short of ruby red, my pretty!”
Words that color my cheeks green
breed contempt in this emerald city.
Uncultivated hours await courage, brain, and heart.
Taking note: time holds only the answers
I missed at the start.
I can visualize which direction my road will take,
what began as a golden path
will lead this witch to the burning stake.
What suffocates me is not of my own,
conformity no longer comforts,
I've found no place like home.
Can I use that divine splash of water,
'melt the filth from my morals,
erase wickedness and social slaughter?
With cowardice I submit to these self-made rules,
and pave over my nature,
a yellow brick fool.