Behind The Door Stands Me And My Mask
My door is closed,
My life is not exposed,
The fear of being seen for who I am,
I simply think people don't give a damb.
I will open my heart and my door,
And put my feet stead-fast on that floor,
I want people to see,
The good in me.
When I take off that mask and open the door,
I will see how far my life will soar,
There is nothing in this world that is more pleasant and nice,
Than to see people that are happy without a price
When my mind is filled with what people think,
I squash that thought in a very fast blink
The truth be known,
My true colors haven't been shown.
I know life is not always beautiful sunsets and rainbows,
Sometimes we have highs and sometimes we have lows,
My lows have taught me to be my best,
So, when life throws me a fast one, I can win the test.
Today is a new day for me to say,
I'm putting down my mask with out a debt to pay,
My mask will no longer own me,
I have been set free!
Sheshebee - 12th,