Nothing But Lies
Living a life of nothing but lies is living a life where everyone hides.
Hide behind those bright blue eyes, hide behind those clear blue cries.
She is strong she is bright she is thin she is light,
Yet when she is home she is sad, she is mad she cries more then her eyes would ever like to admit and deep down inside she wishes to forget.
Do this do that, not this not that, you’re wrong I’m right, be silent sit tight.
She has no voice she is not heard her lips are full yet not with words.
She walks the halls with chin up tall,
But her confidence is low and still her sorrow grows
She is afraid of the judgment, of the laughter and teasing.
She is afraid of the hallways where she sees all the appeasing.
Everyone trying to fit right in, everyone trying to hide his or her sin.
She is strong she is bright she is thin she is light,
Yet no one sees her internal fight.