True Friends
I will say this
You can make friends quickly
Other children being kind to you, they will
Offering you a spot in lunch generously
Oh that, how I miss
In your room, playing games happily
Mom delivering snacks, she will
Off you go with farewells now, unfortunately
The school bus, you should not miss
Eager to learn, eager to see people delightfully
Talk about life, you will
Eager to talk about what makes you guys happy
Years come by
Time sure rapidly flies
Hold the horses! What is going on?
What has happened to the good ol' times?
As days go by
Starting to smell sarcasm and lies
Rumors spreading, sprinting on and on and on
Fallacies that break long-time ties
As days pass by
Wrapped in a dark chasm of lies
The backstabbers, time is revealing
Why do such a thing? Why share all these lies?
A true, kind man, I am
What did I do wrong?
Calvin Klein jackets, do I have to wear more?
Do I have to be as muscular as Donkey Kong?
A true, kind man, I am
What did I do wrong?
Hiding in a fortress of unfortunate self
Dance Central 2, let's party in a time not so long
A true, kind man, I am
What did I do wrong?
Hiding in a shy self
ZOOM! Like a wind, I show confidence