She is her own non-existence
An ordinary
albeit introverted
young girl
She would make willow-branch crowns
pronounce herself queen
of all empty
and forgotten spaces
She runs between the fence boards
to protect her unnoticed
pieces of the world
Since they belong to no one else
they are hers
She stands in a county-fair crowd
among the complex moving spaces between fairgoers
Completely by coincidence
no one seems to move through her piece of space
Vaguely she wonders
is it because she is standing there?
She is introverted because no one speaks to her
She prefers imagination because she is imaginary
She does not exist
She is a regular to places just as others are
She spends whole days in theaters
In the dark
lights and sounds cast around her
fill, through her
the screen is her vision
She is
She is her own non-existence