Defying Reality
Defying reality
Is the best part of being me
The only me I want to be but it isn't the me you know me as
If only you knew the me I am
Not the me I appear to be when I wake up to this reality
Its an unbearable thought to open my eyes,
because to face reality under this disguise...
Can I just keep my eyes closed ?
The need I have to see the world from my own true eyes
To see the world from the strokes of my mind
The journey of my sight of
love, despair, light, dark
The world that is beauty to me is the world I wish it be
The colors. The magic. The beauty of life that I see
I see it all with my eyes
I feel it all in my soul
When I shutoff reality...
I see it all with my own two eyes
The beauty of my mind
I feel it all in my soul
The rich flood of emotion my mind feeds
If you could venture into my mind and discover my reality...
You will discover me
The me that wishes we could all defy reality and just live in my reality