At Last I See the Light
No one has really seen me
And I can’t exactly blame them
I’m constantly in the shadows
Dancing in a masquerade ball in my mind
Happy, content, in my own little world
But then my dancing stops, as I realize
That not even the people in my mind
Actually see my face
And that makes me begin to wonder
Do I even know my true self?
Have I been hiding and lying so much
That I’ve forgotten who I am?
I need to search inside myself
And figure out why I’m so hard to see
But it’s been so long, I’m scared of what I’ll find
Who knows what’s lurking deep inside me
What secrets have I kept hidden, even from myself?
I’ve been wearing this mask for so long
It feels as if it has become my face
I am no longer made up of flesh and bone
Instead I am plastic and paint
A hardened soul not meant to be touched
It takes a special kind of light
To break through this tough veil
To make it shrivel up and waste away
And reveal myself underneath
I do not have the power to wield that light
But I know of someone who does
He loves me with all His might
And will shine His light on me
And reveal myself to the world
And to me
My God can see me, even through this impenetrable mask
That has glued itself onto my soul
He knows me, and loves me, despite everything I’ve done
If my Lord can still love me, can still forgive me
Of whatever bad things I’ve done
Then perhaps, with the help of His light,
My face can greet the bright world with a smile
And never wear a mask again