10 Ways To Escape feat. Norma "Marilyn Monroe" Jean Mortenson
1.) Get as much money as you can, catch a cab, bus, train, plane, etc. and get the hell away
2.) Create a virtual world online and never leave your room
3.) screw an ugly guy in return for a hitchhike ride across the country
4.) Cut your hair (or grow it out), change your name and take on a new identity
5.) Take up a yoga class
6.) Blow, blow, blow your smoke, reach the ulitimate high (sing the song, you know the tune)
7.) Dream, dream dream
8.) Escape to your head and change the ugly things around you, to beautiful
9.) Paint your frustration (you didn't get that BFA for nothing)
10.) Jump from a bridge. But make sure it's an ugly one. "The problem is..I've never seen an ugly bridge."