“Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.” I will pay nothing...
Who am I?
I am human.
Who hides her emotions behind a mask.
My mask is my smile.
A smile is a mask for every girl, boy,
woman, and man.
When I'm sad, I smile.
When I'm mad, I smile.
Our smiles hide the pain that we show.
It helps us to not burden others with our problems.
My smile, helps me not burden others with my problems.
There are two of me:
myself and I.
The Outside and the inside.
I am a bubbly, funny, outgoing girl,
who loves my friends, my boyfriend,
music, acting and singing.
These all describe me.
These ways my friends see me.
Myself though, I know myself.
On the inside, I may be a combination of all of these things,
yet I am so much more.
I'm constantly scared, worried, and troubled with my problems.
Problems I don't want to burden anyone else with.
The world is a cruel place.
Humans will ridicule, laugh and mock you when you're down.
So why should I show who I really am?
Why should I show my flaws and my weaknesses,
when I can just show a smile?
My emotions are mine.
And when I choose to let some of myself
reveal itself beyond the mask,
that is my choice.
And I will not force anyone to show who they really are,
unless they want to show their masked selves to me.
So yes, I will pay no attention to that man behind the curtain;
Pay nothing.