To Close the Shutters
Behind the Shutters
I stayed behind this morning….
to hold the door open.
I sat in the corner….
to give you more room.
I sat in the front row….
because you don’t like to.
I slammed my locker shut….
because it wouldn’t close.
I stomped down the hallway….
because my backpack’s heavy.
I wouldn’t talk to you….
because I know that your throat is sore today.
I didn’t share my snack….
because I’m sick, too.
I didn’t let anyone sit by me at lunch….
because you’re usually there.
I didn’t stop you when you criticized yourself….
because you don’t know what you’re talking about.
I scowled all day long….
because I had to tell you that I can’t go to club with you today.
I didn’t show you what I was drawing….
because it didn’t do you justice.
I took your book from you….
because I know they make you sad.
I hid your iPod again….
because you don’t know you’re addicted.
I will never compliment your makeup….
you look so beautiful without it.
I followed you despite your objections….
because I know you need me to be there when you stop.
I closed the shutters in your face....
To keep all the light from blinding you.
I’ll always be there….
To keep you happier than me.
My friend.