Betrayal at Face Value
Look at my face:
She is the sun, all summer and youth -
light and warmth, all beauty and truth.
Flowing chiffon and flowering lace,
daisies and lilacs, all spring-time grace.
Cinnamon freckles and butterfly kisses.
Short pixie hair and light-hearted wishes.
Fingers extended to a cloudless sky,
sweet viridescent grass to push off and fly.
You've been fooled.
Look into my eyes:
She is the moon, so sad and alone.
Cratered and pale, she sinks like a stone.
Swimming in darkness above a ghostly sky,
she wishes for light so she can quietly die.
She's a wilted petal, a wasted youth.
She keeps it all inside, they couldn't handle the truth.
Her smile has faded like an old photograph.
Broken up so small she has forgotten how to laugh.
She orbits her world like a lonely satellite;
consumed by her demons: deadly parasites.