Beauty Is In The Air
Walk with confidence
Talk with purpose
Dress with class
Speak with sass
Let there be beauty in your air
Be one who leaves them with wonder
See who you want to be
Line your lips
Sway your hips
Let there be beauty in your air
Hear and take it with a grain of salt
Fear no one who can cry
Please yourself, not just your man
Do want you want, not just what you can
Let there be beauty in your air
Strive to be a hero for your younger self
Live to be the woman you dreamt of being
I love me
All I see
And that beauty is in my air
Sweat like a pig, look like a fox
Sweet like tea, sour like lemons
Smiling every day
Happy in every way
I let the beauty be in my air
I have flaws but do not care
Imperfection adds flare
Confidence is what I share
Sparkle in the eye, shine in the hair
The beauty is in the air