You? Me? Society?
I am a nice ass,
A sweet face,
A little too passive.
I am a dream,
A desire to be tamed,
A little too aggressive.
I am defined
By the number of likes
On my Instagram photos.
I am defined
By the number of lips
That have touched my own.
I am a dictation of society,
I am a dictation of you,
I am a dictation of me.
Now what I do and say,
That comes from me.
That's who I am,
That's how I am.
But how I'm perceived,
That's a whole other matter.
It comes from you,
It comes from society.
From their desires to
Label, to classify,
Every. Little. Thing.
You hold hands with girls?
Must be gay.
Drink a little?
Party girl.
Cuss a bit?
Let's not even go there...
I am a conglomeration
Of filters
And stories.
Of whispers
And rumors.
At least in the eyes
Of everybody else.
But what they see,
And choose to hear,
Has little relation
To who I am.
All these rumors,
These nasty little tricks,
Disguise my nature,
My root,
My essence
To all,
Including myself.
One thing that I do
Does not define
My entire existence.
It's the many things,
The collection of memories,
The acts of kindness.
It's what has been done to me,
What I have done to others,
The acts of passion.
It's the small quirks,
That make me memorable.
The odd little things,
And sounds,
And faces I make
Unbeknownst to me
When my mind is
Lost in thought.
But at the core,
In the deepest
Rooms of my heart,
I am the same
As everyone else.
I hold the same desires,
To be loved,
To be accepted.
The same subconscious wants,
To be a part of something
Bigger than myself,
Bigger than my labels.
As much as I am,
What society says,
What you say.
All I am,
Is everyone else.
All that differs:
Labels and rumors.
A different face,
Another ass,
sweet or not,
nice or not.
I am myself.
I am individual.
I am human.