Grand Exit
Of course I have time to listen to your multitude of problems
It’s not like I could be doing hundreds of other more productive things right now.
Do you see the sympathy in my face?
I’m trying really hard to show you the concern I have for your struggles
For more effect perhaps I should furrow my brow
Would it mean more if I gave you a hearty slap on the back?
Should I tell you that things will sort themselves out?
Let me place a hand on your shoulder and with a more serious tone,
Remind you of how wonderfully talented you are
Think that’s enough to sooth your self-doubt?
Just like that I’ve calmed your mind
In five minutes flat, I’ve proved you to be flawlessly divine
And you walk off a like a whole new person
You don’t even bother to look back,
At invisible old me hardly even taken aback
I know the façade cannot always last
Sometimes it splinters and cracks
Where the me—the real me—tires to make its presence known
It throws its arms through the bars and screams
But the cries fall like trees in a forest
Unseen, unheard
The real one is the one who leans against the concrete wall
Feels the ice and the chills racing across the skin
The real one wears vibrant colors,
In hope that some passerby might check in-
Might realize that I’m human too
I just don’t know who
The only me they see
Is the one who takes the time to talk them out of suicide
Who pushes my own feelings out of sight, out of mind
I become a journal for them to spill out their regrets
Their ink runs across my skin, and when they leave
I feel the needles puncturing my aching heart
Their stories tattooed in my cells
If they’re going to tattoo my body
Then I want to ink up theirs just a little
I want them to know my story
The story they never took the time to discover
They don’t know the fear of finding his face
The agony of solitary disgrace
They don’t know the depression creeping inside
The constancy of being denied
They don’t know of the gleaming blade
That trims the icy skin where scars won’t fade
They don’t know the self-hate
The don’t know the set date
They don’t know!
How could they know?
When I hide behind this curtain,
Seclude myself in hell
They don’t see because I don’t show them
I don’t want them to know it’s where I dwell
Lurking in the shadows,
The recesses in my mind
I want them all to know my suffering
But I don’t want to let them inside
So I’ll make my grand entrance
I will bring the stage to life
I will cry my story unto the world
Ink away the pains and strife
See the blade touch the skin
This is how the end begins
Red ink will coat my hands
To match the flowers in my hair
The red curtain they’ll drape upon me
And this, my grand exit, is prepared