Counterfeit Extravaganza
Your seats will be in section C
Furthest to the left, third row.
If you have any questions don’t bother asking
Just enjoy the show
Tonight’s act features a girl misunderstood
A simple sheep in a flock
Struggling to lay low with the crowd
Around the clock
Dealing with insecurities
That ignite fires in her soul
Feeling no prettier nor cleaner
Than a public toilet bowl
My insecurities weigh down on me
They weigh down on me like a cinderblock
In this world, another girl
With insecurities is no shock
I may be shame-faced and concealed beyond this mask
And it may be repugnant
But this mask is my security blanket
In inspection of your judgments
You’re a reader, I’m a book
You will judge me by my cover, the act of perversity
Unenlightened of my self-doubt,
Uncertainty, and nervousness internally
My role on this stage is to smile,
Be confident, light-hearted and pleased
But off this stage my heart is heavy
I’m not this character as everyone believes
All eyes on me
As I gaze out in the crowd
Silence is so loud, from multitudes so close
For someone seeming so composed, a heart can still be broke
I’ve got all this untapped potential inside
That I’ve yet to utilize
Because I fear your verdict, I self-inflict
Have you ever committed mental suicide?
When I break from this mask
And unleash the authentic me
I’ll be naked to the world
And these shackles will set free
Inside I’m suffering
With my own personal demons
If I unzipped my heart and opened up
You could see them
They mock my anxiety
And laugh at my social isolation
They disrupt my meditation
25 to life, in my own incarceration
I’ve witnessed brutality for individuality
It’s no humor
Seeing one terrorized for originality
Doesn’t make me want to remove this mask any sooner
So until its time, I’ll stand behind this curtain
I’ll play this counterfeit role
I’m not ready to be down casted
So I’ll swallow down the bravos