The Harsh Reality of My First Job
When I first started my first job this past week, I never imagined myself crying everyday after work
The very first day of work I was a trainee and I was very nervous of course
And I thought that this job was going to be a breeze
But as I begin to see for my very own eyes, that this job was a like a false advertisement
You know when you see something on a commercial and you just have to have it
Then it turn out to be a gimmick
For the first week of working there I was on lobby, it basically cleaning up after other people
I am a short person, not quite reaching five feet tall
And every once in a while, I might have to change the garabage cans
Imagined a huge garabage can that is quite bigger than you are
Now pictured carrying a rather large garabage bag, up a hill
Each and every day I pray to God to get me the courage to not lose my temper
But secretly I have been looking and applying for some jobs
So that I can turn in my two weeks notice and say I'm gone
The other day I was at work and one of the manager told me to go take out the garabage and she toss me the garabage bag
And it was not my job that day to do it
One of my co-workers was going to do the garabage, the manager got on the loud speaker and call his name
She told him, " I want her to do it"
Why must some people feel that they have to intimidate others into doing what they want
Calm down, be quiet, and let me do my job
Keep looking over my shoulder like I can not do anything right
If you feel that way, than you do it
Cause I will walk out, with my head held high, and say SO.
At the end of the day, I did not want a job where I lose all my pride, diginity, and self respect