Or So They Think
I am quite mean
I don’t say much
But when I do
It’s sharp
No smiling from me
Just pent up anger
I’m a miserable person
I hate everyone and everything
Or so they think
I am a lesbian
That’s the only explanation
I never wear makeup
Nor girly clothes
I’m not very feminine
I don’t act the way I should
Like a lady
I must be attracted to women
Or so they think
I am a loser
With barely any friends
The friends I have
Are weird
We don’t like new people
Everyone is an outsider
To us
No one else is allowed in
Or so they think
I am very shy
In all honesty
Anxiety is an old friend
Of mine
Crippling my voice
Afraid to let anyone in
Only talking to a few friends
No one else will accept me
Or so I think
I am always hidden
From the world
I never wear makeup
Or look feminine
It makes me uncomfortable
I don’t want to be objectified
Something for others to stare at
Everyone will judge me
Or so I think
I am fat
I’ve always understood this
And I despise my looks
For this reason
I hide under baggy clothes
I don’t want people to stare
To make fun of me
Any attention at all is bad
Or so I think
Everyone is judgmental
Thinking they know me
At a first glance
I don’t deny their accusations
That would only attract stares
They’re prejudiced without reason
I see this as their loss
I’m a great person inside
Or so I know