The Look On That Person’s Face
Though the winds blow
Though the trees sway
Though the sun sets
And though the sun rises
In this world of certainties and expectations
I am but no one I know
The stars have their place upon the galaxy
The sun has its place in the center
This earth spins with its purpose
But I am no one I know
I have ventured and I have encountered
Although young and naive
This world is not new to me
No longer is this place a place of creativity
But a place of despise
But I am done with cynicism
I seek to be more wise
I cannot think of a bigger place to be
Than this earth has provided
I will not be imprisoned by the holds of my doubts
I am free to be free
The horizons are endless
The moments are few
Yet I am still no one I know
Instead I choose to be
A purpose on this earth
As the sun rolls and the stars burn
As the earth lives fearlessly with its roaring waves
I will be no one I know
There’s this place on the face of this planet
On which I have spoken
And all I remember is
The Look On That Person’s Face
I will be no one I know
I will be no one I know