The Face of the Fox
Since the very first day I lived,
I looked out at everyone.
Each man focussed on his sin,
simply correcting what he had done.
Darkness falling on their souls,
concentrating on their wrong,
the darkness contagous to the whole,
absorbed wholly into me.
It's not enough to simply smile.
That won't hide my pain.
Silently here, the world on trial,
only laughter soothed my brain.
I became a character, a joke,
there for others' relief.
Hoping to relieve this choke
of joy that led to grief.
The wall, it would not simply hold,
my anguish shining through.
A frown often all that would show,
the anger coming too.
To hide my pain from others' eyes,
the solution became clear.
A fox head had to cover mine,
to keep my feelings here.
Behind my suit, my character,
extention of my being,
I was able to go out there,
show only happy feelings.
Regardless of how the human felt,
the fox was always content.
I saw the people's hearts just melt,
when they saw this happy gent.
This was the one I chose to be,
This was my decided me.
The human now beneath the fur,
the suit brought much more joy for sure.