Worth it
I'm a Fake
I'm a facade
I'm not really here
I'm not really there
I'm not anywhere
The mask I wear
the shame I bare
its all covered up
see, I hide
I hide behind whatever I can find
yet, sometimes I let it slip
sometimes I let them see
see the real me
but then my dreams come crashing back to me
like a waves crashing in the sea.
they don't want me..not really..
they want someone to be proud of
someone that can live up to their expectations
someone to carry on their legend, their legacy
someone that's NOT ME
so pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
because they're broken
they're not worth it.
all they see is what they can gain
so blinded by the outside, they don't see what's going on inside
the war waging on inside of me
the battlefield I'm fighting on
the well I'm suck in
Please Save ME
I'm desperately waiting
Hanging on by a thread
A thread so thin it can barely hold...
Hold my dreams, my hope, my reality
I'm so tired of fighting...of lying..
it's time to open the curtains
because I