Masque of the Red Blood
It might be nice.
That's what I've come to think, yes.
If I could buy myself some silky thick skin I'd spare no expense -
I'd wear it for days.
Many a chain store, botique and secondhand shop I've searched
Skin seems to be a trope of things, a menagerie.
The shoes on my feet, a spared body-mod,
Books I like to read, and a soupy, seasoned mind.
It might be nice. I might like these things.
But no umpth combination sits well or appeals to me.
All I ask for is finest and sleekest and strongest
I've found I can't imagine these things -
Let alone be. For that, I bleed.
On a paper face my tears run red
Proudly, nakedly.
Someone must have said the only armour
Would be be clumsily crafted by me.