The Ugly Twin
The fog of my breath leaves a whimper in the air
The days merge to weeks as I wait to be found
Bound by the restraints of my condescending mind
My patience and hope sinks in a drain of my despair
As I can hardly bare, can anyone see me?
I am the one less profound, how can I compare?
To the beauty of her golden plated crown
I hide as I am drowned
By the sorrow of my face
That decided my forsaken fate
Now I must feed on the demeaning comparisons
Of my bewitching sister
My dreams ruined by my revenge for her lace
Keeping my eyes bloodshot and conscious up late
Anyone who risks seeking me is now in danger
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You are much more you are your own person you have your own true values insode and out .Don't let anything make you feel other wise your more then a sister but yourself and be proud and have confidence in who you are .I enjoyed my read continue to write
**Please check out my poetry when you have a chance and hopefully my words inspire you