More than a Pretty Face
"She's obviously vapid because
she's going into fashion and likes
makeup!" Is what everyone seems
to think when they meet me.
Hell, I even played a
teacher with this bit.
Yes, I am a girl.
Yes, I intend to make a career out of fashion.
Yes, I like makeup.
No, that does not warrant you to
think me shallow and not take me seriously.
I am ambitious; a freethinker;
A creative; An Ingenue.
What are you?
So what if I'm into feminine pursuits?
It doesn't devalue me as a human being.
I speak three languages, take higher level courses,
and am a high level athlete.
I have an affinity for the Arts,
and I enjoy culture.
you choose to focus solely on the fact that I like fashion,
and immediately decide I am vapid as a result.
That's Argumentum ad Hominem, and you know it.