It is said that pain demands to be felt.
Her experiences were a real example of this.
Though she’s been through so much she’s always just dealt.
While she’s surely struggled she’s never called it quits.
Her experiences were a real example of this;
The pain she felt was of different kinds.
While she’s surely struggled she’s never called it quits.
She’s lived a low quality life as she said in her mind.
The pain she felt was of different kinds:
Full of physical, mental, and emotional anguish.
She’s lived a low quality life as she said in her mind.
People around her witness her physical languish.
Full of physical, mental, and emotional anguish,
The physical pain stole her very abilities to walk.
People around her witness her physical languish;
Although she had so much to say she never really talked.
The physical pain stole her very abilities to walk.
She became mentally ill and she was always distraught;
Although she had so much to say she never really talked.
She just suppressed her feelings of pain deep inside her heart.
She became mentally ill and she was always distraught.
Her mind was lost in a dark place; the sadness was creeping in.
She suppressed her feelings of pain deep inside her heart.
She was losing her happy loving self and she was rotting within.
Her mind was lost in a dark place; the sadness was creeping in.
She could not see a way out; she thought this was her doom.
She was losing her happy, loving self and she was rotting within.
Her overwhelming sadness; her fragile heart consumed.
She could not see a way out; she thought this was her doom.
Her life was falling to pieces right before her eyes.
Her overwhelming sadness; her fragile heart consumed.
The love of her life just left her lying awake.
Her life was falling to pieces right before her eyes.
He said loving her was too hard for him to take.
The love of her life just left her, now all she does is cry.
The pain of him leaving left her lying awake.
He said loving her was too hard for him to take.
She gave him all she had to give and he took her for granted.
The pain of him leaving left her lying awake.
She felt all alone and quite disenchanted.
She gave him all she had to give and he took her for granted.
She’s felt all this pain and she’s been through so much.
She felt all alone and quite disenchanted.
Her skin was turning purple and was ice cold to the touch.
She’s felt all this pain and she’s been through so much.
Her poor heart was dying, refusing to beat.
Her skin was turning purple and was ice cold to the touch.
She peacefully slipped from life; it was quiet and discreet.
Her poor heart was dying, refusing to beat.
The autopsy said she died only from the pain of a broken heart.
She peacefully slipped from life; it was quiet and discreet.
Everyone missed her since her tragic depart.
It is said that pain demands to be felt.