Voice mail of My Heart
I told you
I love you
but the wind tore the words apart
they landed scrambled
in the ears of another man
they said something else.
Some words were like that.
Whole lives attached to them
I wonder what you heard
when I tried again
A whole conversation done
with my hands on your skin.
Let me know please.
Me again,
I thought you saw me today
Under the skin and hair
The soul pacing restlessly within
Sorry I wasn't what you expect
Its 2 AM on a Friday
Clouds are ghostly and lonely
Making it feel like
I am disappearing everytime I cross the road
I wanted you to know
emptiness can feel so heavy
My soul is tired
Could you call me back
You told me I looked sad today
but that's because
you speak to me in words
and I look to you in feeling
The mask is almost off
I thought you should know
I haven't seen you in years
But I am better
not so small
I lied
there is no real me
though you can feel my flesh on yours
I am simply not there
I am just these poorly tethered shards
too broken to be understood
I tried to tell you