Sour Grapes
She lives on a street
The street was composed of a row of houses
Each was indistinguishable from the next
Except for the different pastel
In which each was painted
No one here would tell her
That she reminded them of their daughter
So long ago
Or their sister
That they drifted apart from
For no particular reason
She reminded everyone of no one
And no one of anyone
With that she was content
She powders her nose
Before going to the library
But she does not comb her hair
Before the party
Does this provide insight?
Into the type of boy she hopes to attract?
Or does it simply imply
The level of importance she deems each place to have
Are boys even attracted to powdered noses?
Although it is hot outside,
She dresses in layers
Because where she is going is cold
She is not traveling
To a far away place
Where conformity is still evident
But at least different from here
She dresses in layers not because she wants to
But because she has to
She dresses in layers
Because the air is only warm to those who simulate their neighbor
She must protect herself against the frigid cold in which she is forced to exist
She has a passionate hatred towards conformity
Perhaps that is because she was never able to conform
Perhaps that is because she never desired to
Perhaps it is all just sour grapes
Perhaps it is not