Unspoken Epiphanies
Incorrect, pupil.
Thou shalt not reply in such a fashion.
The mannerism of erudite
is all but eradicated.
Thou shalt never reveal interest in school-
In teachers' wellbeing-
In the class' essential lessons.
Thou shalt not be "That one kid-
yeah, her.
Try hard."
For the judgement of one's peers
cuts like a knife.
It is serrated, it will scar.
There is but a single tapestry immune.
Legend divulges it is woven
of the linens of lies.
The threads of those scorned,
their tales of defeat.
and by the deities of deceit.
Payments are due,
and sacrifices must be made.
Such the curtain cannot come without.
It will chain you to it.
Thou art no longer free.
You will break down behind it.
Thou shalt no longer posess sanity.
You will lose countless days of sleep,
countless ticks of the clock,
countless reasons to embrace the lack of glee-
for it can only be another deception in your reality of unraised hands, unspoken epiphanies.
It is paralyzing, and no one can see.
It will destroy you, me, us
in the most unforgiving way-
we have no witnesses in our own realities.
One day, raise that hand-
and yourself with it.