He opens his eyes and looks at his reflection in the mirror
He is lost,
He is confused,
He questions… Who am I?
The answer is not one that is simple,
But could be clarified with explanation
He is a personality
A personality plagued with pain
A personality hidden due to hate
Hate brought on by a community that should uplift, not scorn
A community that should remember, not forget
A community that should embrace, not repel
You push away others that are different,
but call foul when it is done to you
You march for equality,
But preach disunity
Some say actions speak louder than words,
But the words you preach will always be louder than the footsteps you take marching in the streets
Because words have weight.
Enough weight to break the heart of a young boy
Enough weight to crush the dreams of a young boy
Enough weight to make a young man hide behind a mask and put on
a masquerade
a façade
foreign to himself
He is lost,
He is confused
He is me