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Greetings shadows!
It has been so hard, for the Sun and I, to watch your potential be wasted.
It was not our intention to have you neglected, we created you for a reason.
And just like that, we are back to square one,
Trying to pick up the pieces after the damage has already been done.
I guess to you it was all one big joke,
Have you danced with the leaves in Autumn
Have you made angels in the snow
Have you welcomed the Spring with an anthem
Have you longed for Summer to come?
In each season is a lesson
Seasons change,But all to quickly.Right when skin starts to boil,The ice pierces ever so strictly.
Lost WorldsI have lost worlds.Whole worldsWhole realitiesThat are no longer realities.Lovers who have stopped loving.Friends who no longer walk with me.Dreams that flourished and perished.Power that was felt and then drifted away.Youth that gave w
Accepting what we cannot change only works
When what we cannot change is acceptable
Otherwise, there is misery or apathy
But don't you dare be serene
Accepting what we cannot change only works
When what we cannot change is acceptable
Otherwise, there is misery or apathy
But don't you dare be serene
I have to keep reminding myself that I knew that this was not going to be an easy task,
And it is simple to keep it together during the day, but lose it at night when you take off your mask.
Stark white beaches contrasting glasslike water enchants;
drawing many souls close, so close they are engulfed in it.
Hopelessly consumed selfishly by the veneer opting to idle
The older I get, the more I realized that there is nothing more precious than time,
And I have finally realized that I no longer want to waste mine.
For so long, I cared too much about what people thought about me,
The older I get, the more I realize that there is nothing more precious than time,
And that once I let it go, I can never get back something that is no longer mine.
For far too long now, I have been letting people get in my head and try and bring me down,
But I am finally at the point where I am taking back control, and I am turning it all around.
It’s a mans world or is it a mad world, I wonder what would happen if it should all turn to ashes from fires of notes burning amidst a society going cashless, while practices of patience become dated and wisdom is scorned as aging prophets no long
Sometimes moving on can be one of the scariest things that you force yourself to do,
But it is the only way that you can move on and try to see things through.
Think different. With my hands to my heart and my heart open wide, Think different. It’s the way I️ try but everything seems to coincide going side by side the only way I️ know to survive I️m trying, to think different.
It took me a long time to realize that no matter what you do, you can not please everyone,
And that you will only drive yourself crazy trying to accomplish this because it is a task that will never be done.
It took me a long time to realize that there is only so much that you can blame others for,
And that if you want to change your life, it is up to you to be the one to close that door.
Snap was all that was heard,A hunter misses his bird, He cursed the twig asunder,Reaching for his powder and plunger, lost though his chance at a partridge,He continued, Bit off his cartridge,
It took me a long time to realize how much holding on to the past destroys you,
Because you never allow yourself to see things from another point of view.
It took me a long time to realize how much holding on to the past destroys you,
Because you never allow yourself to see things from another point of view.
Take me back
All this wisdom has made me weary.
Like a sickness,
it's etched into my lungs.
And like rust,
it blooms between my joints.
For the past year or so, I have not been feelling like who I used to be,
And no matter how hard I tried, I was not okay when I just tried to be me.
I kept doubting myself, and I became someone that I did not recognize,
Humanity Began Its End
When Value Had A Face
Worth Had No Cost
Pricelessness Reaches Attainable, As
Worthlessness Became The Currency
Of Forgotten Souls Whose Hearts
I died a million times
That day packed with so many
Pairs of eyes that it dazzled
When I swallowed so much water
That I’ll never go thirsty again
You must change
You're doing yourself a favor
Your life is a story
Your voice is the narrator
Life is what you make it
Create your reality
Don't speak negative
He gave me a cup and said Take a sip and my lips you’ll never miss. I looked at him and took a sip. Something wasn’t right. He seen the worry in my eyes and reassured me everything was alright.
The halls crowd around me
As I push through bodies and backpacks
My feet fall lightly
On the dirty concrete floor
Students laugh
Students cry
Everyone is lost
In their own self-centeredness
Growing cold
Closing off
Lowering my expecations
I am changing because I want you to see me
I am changing because I want you to love me
I am changing because I know it's not possible
What is this...
This measure of gravity is more than I can bear for long.
The waves wash stinging salt water into my nose,
Knocking me down when think my sea legs are established.
I've travelled many miles and days,
Well a lifetime slipped right on by
Underneath my wing
In the space between youth and it's timeless lies
A lifetime found its way ahead of me
One more time
I thought i'd outrun it
Mitt hus
Det huset, biblioteket på Skogås,
Och dessa vägar med musikaliska namn,
Runt andas jag av fur och gran.
Här, på fuktigt lövverket umgås
Och leker, springer, babblar barn.
A sunny autumns day in October
The gentle whistle of the mornings breeze
The ground camouflaged with orange and brown leaves.
The sound of the protesters marching in masses,
Grip me tighter, Im drifting from afar
He has his hooks in me, saying no is the hard part.
I need your kind of love to rebuild my broken heart.
Don't give up on me before we've given it a fair start.
You are the greatest secret
kept from yourself.
It is in hiding your Light
that you become lost.
It is in resisting the moment,
running circles around each other
take a break from pulling heartstrings.
i graze your veins
feeling every jolt of electricity pulsing through them.
You gave us teenage revolutionaries,
fighting against dictators
against governments
that didn’t listen
wouldn’t listen
honeysuckle lips
almost touching mine, but not quite
they drip below
the crook of my nose,
slide down,
It’s time
I’m about to get my shit together
I’m going to do what I want to do
You can shout your words at me
But your words don’t feed me
Bumped again by crowds she freezes
Surprised by people all around
She scans the swathe of nameless faces
But the one she wants cannot be found.
A small hand tugs upon her sleeve—
She stared into the sky above her with a fire in her eyes
Days, weeks, months had passed since that day
After hours sat by a window watching the rain floating heavy to the ground
These Days I'm ... SICK of People ... !!!
Saying That ... "They've CHANGED !?!" …
Nature disappeared
Birds aren’t chirping anymore
Bees are not buzzing
We must do something
Our World is in need of change
What happened if everything was small,
Who cares if you were that tall,
How did you battle and still not fall,
When you decided to roll up like a ball,
Where should you pick up that call,
Happiness is something that has to come from within,
If you keep looking around for it, you will be disappointed with the way that it could have been.
It can be hard to be genuinely happy in a world that is so uncertain,
Okay Okay ...
So It’s Time For A Change ...
And A System Upgrade ...
ALL Because of This Corona Strain ...
That’s Causing People PAIN ... !!!
Parents, teach your daughters.
Don't let them walk through life
Like this broken girl before you.
Who did not know her rights to leave,
To let that word, No, so bitter on her tongue, pass through her lips.
The waters will still flow,
Snow will still melt,
The wind will still blow,
We are all harnessed to a life belt.
The sun will still shine,
The moon will still rise,
Must be fate’s design
A silky bird
Delivers a message
From either side
So tired
A silky bird
Delivers a message
From either side
So tired
I wish I could look at the ocean and see the waves crashing against the shore, but I can't.Instead I see the plastic polluting our oceans.
I think about sea creatures dying.
I don’t care who gets offended but I stand by it.
You the Government!! You are all a bunch of cowards!
You raised the cost of living so high that both parents are always at work,
Nothing stays
the same
Everything can change
in a blink of an
I am a witness
No one likes
to confront the
inevitability of change
So we say things like:
Jack and Jill grew up in the south, Where the words were splinters and rolled off chalk white mouths. The people would shout and throw hands in the air, With signs made at home, for anyone who cared. Jack and Jill rode the bus to school, But had
With open eyes
Just a little thought in another place.It changes the entire structure immediately!
Just a little word in another spot.It changes the whole purpose of content!
Glorified self praise
I like to read my own words,they are of a "special sort"!
Everything else comes only from the outside!From there comes the biggest nonsense!
Sometimes up, sometimes down
I ask myself; Who i really am.I ask myself; after the true sense.
I feel power; and much more!And yet I feel so often empty.
Fight for freedom
I only see virtual pictures ...And on all corners only signs!
Sitting in a noble cage.Digitally scratching the days.
Money, money and money
Where to go with all my money?How much does the whole world cost me?
I am in a material delusion.My mind is beautifully tame.
The new way
The direction seems determined.Nothing takes my courage anymore.
Sometimes I get stuck and wait,on a mild fateful gift.
The real criminal
A gangster - Deep in the heart,Deep inside of him is only pain.
The system - so full of contradictions.Only a moment before the collapse.
Thought lesson
Open the eyes to see.Stretch the legs to stand.
Red, yellow, green - totally the same,poor thoughts - rich thoughts!
Confused frequencies
My being - so beset and glum.A frequent wave is shifting my mind!
The control from the outside, so strong.The own will - buried in the coffin.
The divine gift
I always give you only plain view.I always show you only truth!
Good and evil - all without judgment,The truth knocks - she hurries.
The easy life
I do not need much for life!Because basically it's just a game!
Who know the rules and how to bend them a little,knows how to win in this game!
Everything foolish?
Who feels the words and listen to the meaning,is justly outraged by this world!
Selfish, deaf and also dumb,the whole humanity is running around!
Life "under control"
The calm and the strength,holds "that" which creates everything.
The big and the little,it comes of its own!
Change of the eras
Why do I do this and that?Why am I acting this way and not otherwise?
Do I always have the free choice?Or do I really have the agony each time?
A lot can happen in a moment.
It may be dim, or a change that's brilliant.
The end of one life, the start of another;
A war waging between sister and brother.
Sometimes it's a small change, sometimes large,
There is something about changing.
It is the realization of who you’ve become and who you want to be.
It took me a long time to open my eyes to something I didn’t want to accept.
The sweet smell of a Saturday summer morning filled my lungsThe sun was rising and the sky was ablaze with the glints of a million birdsIt is 2010. I am at camp- green trees, blue skies, and not a care in the world...
Those who do not have much
Are an inspiration to me.
They keep fighting.
They are as strong as can be.
Maybe they believe in hope
Or possibilities.
They deserve the world.
<p>Living life without a careDon't even worry about my hairHomesickness snakes throughout my skinBut every day is a win</p> <p>As a person, I have grownMore than I could ever have knownI have become braverEvery day I feel less a
Living life without a careDon't even worry about my hairHomesickness snakes throughout my skinBut every day is a win As a person, I have grownMore than I could ever have knownI have become braverEvery day I feel less a stranger I pass landscapes f
The mind has a funny way of playing tricks on you,
Even though you have it planned in your head what you want, your mind still takes over and tells you what to do.
You let your mind fall apart as your kindness labels you a nutjob.
“You sit with her at a table all alone because you feel pity for her.”
There is only one way to love.
We work and work and still we fail
Taking our breaks and trying to resolve
Only to leave each other and devolve
We're cheated and hurt, hoping for someone
The inspiration I have gathered and grasped
from the ashes of this exhausted relief
fuels a fire untouchable to man
Rising up as the fire burns inside
hot. hot wax. burns it all away.
i barely even flinch anymore.
it's all new. White. Pink.
a cooling touch of Green.
each stroke of Brown. an angry claw.
we dream of change forever.
Inspiration runs through my veins, coursing through my body-
into my heart-
into my soul-
into my brain-
it laces the ideas that come out of my mouth
impacting myself-
When the gesture of kneeling demands to be heard
And the rainbows in the sky earned their own parades,
People are excited to check name boxes on paper,
While goddesses of the workplace are finally being praised
Bound with gold,
wine – flush cries,
running here on your prayer. By now
If you trust and obey my words:
the evil will be gone by mine own words,
Biodiversity makes up Earth, that's my decree.
Animals big and small don't forget you and me
I got a couple things to say about saving the Earth,
When you are clueless what to do and what not to do
When the wall ahead seems too high to cross
When the road uphill seems too stiff to climb
When the task in hand looks insurmountable to fulfil
It eats at me
A constant feeling of wanting something else
An empty hollow deep inside that burnt out pit of desire
Burn choke crack
Smoking Crack
To fill the crack
Smells like crack
To just get some smack
Id be alive again
Feel alive again
Try again
Walking on eggshells
If I could change times arrows course,
I’d hastily retreat it many a face
To sail beyond your hearts remorse
In search of the pain each morn embraced.
I’m not really much of a poet
But know I can talk about a lot of crooked mess
Cuz u never know what you’re really capable of
Until you’re put thru the right test.
Metal rings placed
chains laced
around my
hands, legs, feet and waist.
How many times will I let this happen?
How many times can I let my family
be disgraced?
The smell of creosote reminds me of the place I live,
but the salt air here reminds me of home.
I see the way people change when they look.
Really look.
You put me in the basement
While he’s up there
You just say life isn’t fair
You say you wish things would change
But you just call me deranged
Do you know that feeling?
Like when an app on your phone updates automatically.
When you scroll through your phone you get this subtle feeling.
That something is different.
Not better or worse.
Leaving all of the pain
Out of the way
Gotta make it right
'Cause I am better than that
Doubt and constrain
Played with my brain
Now I am goin' clean
Make sure the lights are gonna turn green
From the distance,
When the trees that obstruct,
Are deconstructed,
And the towers of steel,
Are forced to kneel,
Growing up I had a perception of the world,
one that was filled with happiness, love, and friendship,
but it soon began to slowly fade, just like past memories.
I remember the apathy.
The uncoupling of my mind from my body,
looking out the window as the Toyotas and Fords bombinated by in the dark.
The top heavy tour bus rocked gently,
Hidden behind posters,
Behind words,
Behind screens.
A voice, a voice
Shouting in a tunnel,
Bouncing off the walls,
Swirling, swaying, spinning in time to the blaring music
I close my eyes
When they open, I’m a little girl
Like a small seed beginning to sprout from the soil
A story of many chapters begins
The plot of a life's story cannot spoil
As the small, naive child widely grins
Always one to fall in line,
I learned early to obey.
Silence and respect protect
Against the everyday.
Untouched and pure, your bright serenity
Is beauty, shining rays of special gold.
This light is you, the newborn entity,
A piece of Universe’s light made bold.
I realized I was no longer a kid,
When I left the sea
The sand leaving scratched memories,
Yes, I’m scared. Yes, I’ve always hated change.
But it’s time. Independence, growth & a fresh start is on its way.
A brand new state with no one I know in sight.
A campus I have only been to once.
Falling away from their home
Some with struggling grip on the emptiness around them.
God wishing to turn over anew,
Everything suddenly changed, beneath the ground that started to split
She thought her feet were on solid ground, a truth she brought herself to admit
The sun could only shine for so long, while a million suns sustained her world
Times of old,
times of ease
have slipped in whole.
I have the keys,
to a new world,
people to please,
and money to earn.
How did slow summer days
where we could mess around
As the sun comes in
my coat starts to change
but not enough to alter my color.
when the rain falls down
i start to make sounds
but the big kids view me as an “other”.
The winds pick up
Staring in the mirror
But a day or two ago
The person that I saw
No longer did I know
The harder that I stared
The more foreign she became
The childish whims forgotten
A new path to be displayed
I see the world differently.
I grow taller and everything is smaller,
But truly the world seems bigger
And badder. The world is a mess.
How can I do anything to make it better?
Did you know, that when you grow up you mentally change,
Did you know, that when you grow up you lose friends and family,
Did you know, that when you grow up you have your ups and your downs,
Amongst all the safe havens
brooding with yoylur presence
could be one of those wondrous places.
It isn't held within those who can afford it
Is being the one to stand up when no one else does
I will here plant a seed
and feel the compost of forgotten years,
and breathe the warm air of this, the present.
And wait in the world to see
It's funny how
These days
Kids jump into "I love You"s
Like they jump into cold, glistening pools during California Summers
The ugly truth:
I wanted the world handed to me
"It's not fair!"
Though the world around me
Is suffering through pain
I'm too blind to see
And if anyone else
Even dared to complain, to compare
You were so quiet before.
A meek, fragile sort.
Your art was never seen by other eyes
You thought they’d think you were telling lies.
Life is a journey.
as time goes on we change,
change is inevitable, and sometimes exactly what we need.
Life is a journey.
as time goes on we change,
change is inevitable, and sometimes exactly what we need.
Anger, a muscle memory,
triggered by his voice now
teasing, now taunting, now
icy creeping in my ears and
down my spine.
Like tomcats we clawed,
screeched at each other, like
I remember wishing for curlier hair,
smaller boobs and a bigger butt
all these things I would never achieve.
Beauty and the beast is what they seen in me.
Beastly on the outside
I can recall-perfectly,
A Time,
Made of Gold
Not the gold,
That you both laced around me,
binding my neck and wrists.
You cannot change the world if you always stay the same
People won't like it but you cannot seem to explain
You chose a new lane and now you feel sane
Black or white
Red or Blue
Left or right
Right or wrong
Good or evil
Truth or Lie
Day in, day out
What is it all about?
I can’t deny
This change I’ve taken
Maybe I’ll be different.
I’ve walked through Depression
I’ve walked through Anger
I’ve fought my battles
Your world was in flames and mine caught fire
Now I'm dealing with the fact that you aren't here, I'm so tired
Of figuring out what went wrong and why we had to say goodbye
Biting wind makes music against my skin
in the way my mother used to trace her fingers across my cheeks.
The place where I stand on my own two feet,
brought higher from the solitude,
Change can be sudden
Change can be slow
Change may not be felt
Change can be subtle
I used to be selfish , narrow minded I never knew what it was like to truly leave my own wishes behind n- till my grandma was ill and crows took flight I hated my sister all my life, but I realized
Upon birth, a seed of thought is planted
And smothered in soil
Until its cultivators find
That they’re ready to water it,
The things I've noticed would certainly go unnoticedI've inherited the things you've done in the pastWhether that’s good or bad I know it'll last
I was in a box with a window,
wathing the worlds go round.
Watching how good the world was to those who put in their share
to those who worked hard
to those who had patience.
Life would never be the same without you.
My small world was forever changed on that November day.
I never really understood why this had to happen, and I cannot say I do now.
Change is going from childhood
With blind Faith and innocence,
To youth, unprepared to face their challenges.
Change is believing that the world
was a safe, big pillow to fall on,
in my head
something was not right
it took time to realize
but i finally changed my life around
in my head
pain and fear swirled about
Growing up
I never wanted to
Wanted to stay a kid
for as long as I could.
First went recess
then playing pretend.
Later went classes
of reading for fun.
what will my life be
sadness surrounding
happiness encroaching
the yellow people astounding
my feelings began poaching
Waking up on Saturday mornings for the sole purpose of hearing Elmo squeak about something new on Sesame Street, has long been overruled by new responsibilities.
A Year Alone
I chose to go
To somewhere that was quite unknown
Whole new ideas
I had never heard
Ways of thinking I thought were absurd
And all my thoughts?
There once was a British Indian girl,
Who lived in British world.
Eating her fish and chips,
But still loving her Indian dips
One day she was told,
That she would have to leave her usual mold.
I’m going through my phone
It’s been close to a year since that day
When I lost the one I loved the most
But for some reason their face pops up everywhere
Some days are like a haze
I start to realize that it was all a phase
Who I am today isn’t who I’ll be tomorrow
But “Everything happens for a reason”
I Stand.
The fires burn me
and I stand.
The people scorn me,
and I stand.
Darkness hunts me,
and I stand.
Without a care,
Without a worry
Endless afternoons out in the park
Feeling the warm breeze on my face
Blowing bubbles,
Before... I was a humble slave
Bowing before your wishes.
I attempted to craft myself to your pleasing
But it never lasted.
Dear adults,
This is a call to action,
Every kid is looking for their passion,
It is time that we take action
But we are splitting kids up into factions
Making the world composed of common core
“Same”- sounds safe.
Almost easy
Because When I wake up everyday, I knew
I knew what tomorrow held
So used was I
Change is what scares me the most.
But being afraid of something that is constant,
Worrying over the what-ifs, and the “what’s next?”
Will only create a scarier effect.
So I travelled exactly 7,403 miles from home.
My heart beats faster and faster
My legs shake and burn more with every running step
How long have I been running?
I can't remember.
Its been so long,
When I look at that face there is nothing in. This world more clear then what I see, this is someone who’s achieved nothing. A being so afraid to change it does nothing but stare.The embodiment of sadness and anxiety.
The Streets are my teacher
I've learned so much than what I could learn in a classroom
Next thing 20 years down the line I'll be cleaning up people's room
Thanks streets taught me how to make living
"The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself,"
The great Teddy Roosevelt bellowed.
But why can't we fear anything else?
What is so wrong about fear?
A gifted talent no one's found
Watching a TV with no sound
Eating chips that crack too loud
No verbal contact, I'm too profound
To hide behind your lies and hold truth
You're subtle but I have no proof
Do you ever miss a moment
Before it's over?
Or a person
Before you leave them?
Do you ever miss a place
While you're still there?
Or a feeling
Before it's gone?
I was always a shy child.
I would rehearse saying my name out loud
In case my voice cracked
I would fixate on every thought every
You should go.
If you are not going, you’re staying.
If you’re staying, you’re not playing.
If you’re not playing, you will never win.
So, you should go. Go!
Expectations and warnings
Consider carefully the beginnings
Every action has consequence
Every inaction is opportunity
Oh, I’m brave
So courageous
I love to live outrageous
When you see a whole new world
We will be as happy as can be
Like the bird flying through the sky out of its cage
When you see the historic hero's
You will see what they went through
Looking back now
There are many events
I wish I could change.
People I trusted,
People I loved,
People I hated.
Oh how foolishly yound I used to be.
Can I be afraid of change
if I am miserable where I am?
Years swept past me
and I let myself rot,
until I realized the role I play.
Should I be afraid of leaving
the only thing i have ever Known?
Change makes me uncomfortable
I feel a connection
There’s something about someone who gets it, right?
Everyone says that change is hard
However necessary to sustain life.
It takes persistence when your way is barred.
It takes diligence and a bit of strife.
Springs under pressure:
pushed deep,
they rise up the highest.
But only if they keep on
pushing straight back.
On paper we're perfectBut underneath the surfaceThe perfect melts away To reveal we're broken, bruised, and brandedBy microscopic mistakes
Arthritis that’s not too bad but psoriasis that is.
Constantly disgusted by myself and
no one will know because
I do not want them to know.
Working 9 to 5 on minimum wage, until old age.
It's not about the money, honey.
You don't fell brave, just like a slave, but you gave until you entered a maze.
Confused and abused, you refuse to blow a fuse.
If I could change just one thing
I would change the way I think about myself
It really stings,
Why am I so mean to myself
And so nice to everyone else
I wish I could change the way I think
If I could change just one thing
I would change the way I think about myself
It really stings,
Why am I so mean to myself
And so nice to everyone else
I wish I could change the way I think
In the words on Jean Piaget, "The principle goal of education in the schools should be creating men & women who are capable of doing new things, not simply repeating what other generations have done." And for that, our modern-day school system
And here I thought these feelings for you had expired, but then the moment I saw you again..damn, so inspired. In my heart, I thought, I no longer sought, for you to have a place. Until again we were face to face. The type of face..
Flowers can't grow without water,
Love can't grow without guidance.
Flowers can't grow with stress,
Love can't grow with hate.
Flowers bloom and die,
A prayer for the man I love
He's so messed up
A prayer because I'm at a loss
He's cheated enough
A prayer for me from your heart
In satan's snare he's caught
And me
Tupac once said that's just the way it is things will never be the same. AN he right police brutality happening everywhere an no one puts up a fight. Last year they had punish a Muslim day ain't no one open they mouth or have a thing to say.
September 10, 2018 ~ Monday
Hello, you who held me when I was just a baby
To you, who watched me
Swathed and bottle fed me
It’s a tragedy for those of us who stay the same
When time tries to heal, but we stand against the winds of change
Because you resist, you’ll make the same mistakes
Those are the choices of us living not in love but hate
This piece is a comment on gun violence in America, an issue I am incredibly passionate about. I participated in the March for Our Lives in my city and have been a vocal part of my community on this issue.
Wake up, America
the girls are crying, souls are dying
brothers in neighborhoods, broke as
hell but they’re trying, their utmost best
against an unjust system that
Like a wildfire, it spreads
The hatred, the anger
Like a domino effect, it follows
The pain, the sorrow
Driven by rage
Control is lost
All these issues in the world, don’t sugar coat it. I know you that you know this:
slavery was supposedly protected by the bible, I hope we grow from this! Separating families is legal only because of POTUS.
The Fighting NEVER Stops,
And In The End The Battle Is Lost.
I See Pain In Many Eyes,
The Reason Is Simply The LIES.
Many Promises Made Token,
Are Soon To Be COMPLETELY Broken.
1. a person who dreams;
2. an escapist
To the DREAMers
I've always wanted love
But now I don't want to want it.
I always craved touch
But dislike it when you touch me.
I've always wanted loyalty
And to be treated like I'm royalty
the shade of our skin,
the color of our eyes,
the shape of our noses,
the way our hair falls,
things we don’t decide
yet they seem to be
deciding factors in how we see eachother,
As a kid
two brothers on either side
of my timeline
our play time was mostly
playing violent baseball
and digging up worms for fishing.
In doing this
I never understood
I was up early this morning, and saw a sunrise.
The whole sky was the purple-grey,
and it scared me.
Last night, when I was still up,
I looked outside and the whole sky was purple-black
My life is changing fast, it seems
And gone are old, familiar scenes
My heart, once steady, will careen,
I'm losing those on whom I lean
Why is it life can be so mean?
What can I do? I want to scream!
We don't ask for change.
And that's fact, not fiction.
Not prepared for when they staled, strangled, and suffocated
"Language Arts"
Then stripped away "Arts,"
You taught me to be kind You taught me to be great You taught me to take time You taught me to appreciate You taught me my love for trees You taught me my love for photos You taught me my love for bees You taught me my love for Coco You taught
One hop, two hop
Three hop, Four,
How many hops till I know my test score?
I read and I read,
Make sure it is right,
But i can’t help seeing
One hop, two hop
Three hop, Four,
How many hops till I know my test score?
I read and I read,
Make sure it is right,
But i can’t help seeing
The screen stares back at me
Skyscrapers, mountains, giants
The eyes stare back at me
Film with its paramount guidance
How they can change me
Then a scene unrolls
I think I know everything
I would do anything
Not to become my mother
I would go anywhere
Not to become my mother
I would be anyone
Not to become my mother
Brother, father. A son and daughter.
See, fresh water.
Look, there’s an otter!
What’s an otter doing underwater?
Hey honey, how are you?
I am really proud of you.
You've made it through all these years,
through many smiles and hidden tears.
You've made it through those toughe times
Thoughts are not reality
They don't mean a thing
Believing your thoughts can be devastating
What your thinking may not be true
A rush to judgment that may really hurt you
In an era where the only feeling is time
That nurtures a budding, all-consuming longing
A never ending cycle of living, “Should it end?”
I fight the darkness of the heart
The hidden and dangerous part
Closed with a bolt, local and key
The secret of forgotten past left to be
Lost, there is no way I see out,
Deepening darkness creates my doubt
You used to be my comforter,
Now you are my tormentor.
You used to be my guardian,
Now you are my warden.
You used to be my protector,
Now all you do is hover.
She was like the wheel- mind always turning with a strong grip on reality.
Eager to reinvent herself.
I saw you today.
You sat there and laughed.
I was near certain
That I was going mad.
I watched you sit there,
With a laugh and a smile.
I nearly started crying.
Haven't seen them in a while.
I waved hello to an old bent tree
Unsure where the journey would end.
I never expected that, waiting for me,
Was a wooden and wonderful friend.
Right, veering right,Left, swooping left.Orange cones, white lines, speed bumps
Preventing me from zooming so fast.But I wouldn't because... I know me.
Tears are rolling down the audience's cheeks and the sound of laughter continously bounces off the many walls in the theatre. Spirits are uplifted and beliefs are questioned.
Dear Men,
I can't even remember the first time I was catcalled as it happens so frequently
it now feels like a routine.
I was eight and life was simple
Simple enought to ride my bike whenever I wanted
I wanted to explore, find new places
Places like hidden paths and back roads
Roads that led me to a church that was empty
Like the loose little coins that jingle around in my pocket.
Thoughts tumble around inside my head.
I am not the person I was a year ago.
it's dark.
illuminated by the light of a phone's flashlight, i write.
i write of worlds i was never a part of, worlds i am both lucky and unlucky
not to have been born into.
I never feel like I belong anywhere and I always feel as though I'm in someone else's space. I don't think this is the way I am suppose feel, I miss being secure and stable in the person I was.
you ever get that gut feeling?
but accurate.
eyes travelling to his,
bile rising in waves
striking the shore of my mouth.
taste as putrid as
hark what words i speaketh to thee
for i shall not repeat them;
if thy wishes to be more than a speck
on this tiny world
follow the path that goes high and far
A rock falling lopsided through space.
Yet, we the tenants of such an obscurity,
Consider ourselves to be the makers of God.
With black powder and fossil fuels we go rushing through the blackness,
I can dream of all
Summer, winter, fall
Flying in the sky
Makes me never cry
Wanna be the one
That changes tears in fun...
there is a doll i own
it resembles me, down to the bone
so whenever i start to change my ways
it changes too, on the same days
one day i decided to change it myself
even though i knew it could change itself
Our founding fathers figured that we have to sacrifice some individual freedoms to secure larger freedoms for all.
Up, up, up and down
the softest petals
and hardest crown
the earth has fallen clear and clear
with birds that all the world can hear
Break the bonds of doubt
You are a slave to you,
Change you
To change your world,
If you don't change your approach
The outcome will not change.
Break the bonds of fear
You are chained to you
who are we now
sometimes i don't feel like we're the same souls
whose eager teeth met by the brick river
on days like this i wonder
what it would be like to be us again-
“What would you change?”
When I was younger, my entire class was asked this exact question
Use your
Not a
Education is the best opportunity my poverty-ridden eyes have seen.
Let’s go back to times of peace.
Times when women didn’t have to fear walking alone in the dark just to go home,
And children didn’t have to fear their lives while learning how to read and do math,
Everybody has different eyes
Everybody views things differently
So how can we be in the same world,
the same time,
the same town,
but see different things
We were raised differently
Dear Anon,
The anonymous you. The unknown to the world, but known deep to my heart.
You’ve been there. Deep inside of me. You’ve heard the beats and rhythm.
You’ve shaped and molded it to the way you wanted it.
I, a deer in blinding headlights.
Whirring wheels screech against the asphalt.
Demanding movement but provoking frozen fear.
Dear Change,
I used to embrace you.
My young self loved you.
You came often and always had a good outcome.
Middle school, high school, softball teams.
You were there for all of it.
Innocence was on the verge of breaking
as the bills were paid and emotions were shaking.
The words "if only" stung the air as she breathed deeply with
Just ridiculous
You see someone on the street
And as soon as you meet
You categorize.
You tell people you don’t mean to do it
Dear J,
You've grown into a man that has been through the ages
But the little piece of you reminds me of the guy I've known in high school
Makes me miss you deeply like a rain that doesn't stop crying
I have always thought the Spanish language was beautiful
Passionate, romantic, lovely Spanish
Sounding as graceful as a butterfly wing
I was 14
(the first time I was called a dyke)
And we laughed
Because society Is changing
And I love that
Just like I love everyone
Dear Dad,
I look back on the days
When you showed me all of your love
Showed me all of your care
When I thought you just acted tough
Always left your side fast
Want to see where this shortage of discipline kicks in?
Take a peek at US presidential elections
Inflating white hate whome congregate behind behind racist gates like devolving apes
We live in a world where hate is still here
We live in a world where you can be an unarmed black man but still get the nine bullets to your back
Speaking up equals speaking back
The Black (pt. 2)
In seventeen years
All the roots have settled
The roots are strong,
They breathe.
In seventeen years
Our sun has curated
Our plentiful harvests
Dear world,
I often ponder your composition
A seeming giant reservoir of water
Flowing as one, united
But is this really true?
Dear broken heart,
The comfort of childhood friendships
ripped away by the appeal of high school recklessness and self discovery.
As you seem to find yourselves,
Dear twenty-seventeen
there's a lot of things you showed me
like how time can move so slowly
then get faster than you'd like
there's a lot of things that happened
like my highschool days at home
Dear Future Self,
Do you remember the beat
The thumping of feet
Up and down the halls
In and out of classrooms
To My First Love,
Oh boy did I love you.
We went from nothing to everything in under a month.
A couple of dates, to hanging out every single day.
I was on top of the world with you.
Mirror, mirror, upon my wall.
Tell me is this even me at all.
You have no choice but to show my reflection.
Show me this and I'll pick out a new imperfection.
So, what will I do today?
They say that the war between good and evil is a war that can never be won, that where there is light, darkness must come. I’m not saying that shadows are bad, that darkness is wrong, orshould be exiled, I’m saying that darkness is not the name t
What an interesting feat
to recall
What Hannah was composed of in January
of 2017
What made her tick?
What kept her going?
Junior year was kicking her butt
That memory remains
I always told you the truth
I figured it was common courtesy
But you molded it
Into a monster you used against me.
I watch you
To My Fellow Twenty-Somethings:
Oftentimes, the millennial generation --
The generation of which we are at the tail-end --
Gets a bad rep.
I'm 18 years old
Or should I say 18 years young
But old enough for to know my rights and wrongs.
It doesnt mean I always do what's right.
It had been 90 days. She’d finally learned to leave it alone. It had gone from her mind, she’d resisted the images she let consume her, and the strange sensations she knew would hurt her.
The sun reflected milky white off my skin outside the gym
When you asked me where my sister was
I told you that she was sick
You asked me what I meant
Belac, my Belac, my unknowing Belac. . .
Did you know that the first time I saw you I knew there was something?
The wiff of your hair gel stayed with me
Like smells that are meant to be remembered forever
Teach kids!
They tend to learn.
Why make school a prison?
Teachers should only get to teach.
Teach kids!
there has been a change.
await, await ;
in the sound of fate ,
no mantra to convince you ;
no ecstasy to taint you .
far away, far away ;
Dear World,
I made a choice, I chose a chance
A chance for freedom
freedom for all
For immigrants, for natives
For love, no hatred.
Hatred is a weapon
A weapon I will not use.
Dear Graduates,
We are born of the world.
So introspective.
So divine.
Yet we tend to lose ourselves in the struggles
and daily routines,
Awkward man, awkward manners.
Awkward man gets on the Internet.
Awkward man conversates with fans of a show.
Awkward man is a fan of a show,
A show involving animated and colorful ponies.
To my once best friend who
made me laugh, and taught me things I never knew
To my once best friend who
Gave me many fun things to do
To my once best friend who
At one point, made me feel brand new
I tried for a slam poetry kind of rhythm:
Hey Earth,
I'm sorry that you're feeling this way.
I'm sorry that we're turing you from blue to grey.
I'm sorry that I don't know what to do or say,
New life, new me.
That’s how it’s gonna be,
I was a sinner, lost at sea
I screamed for help, and God heard my plea
He reached down in the waters, and rescued me
Dear mother I know you didn't mean to
I know you didn't want it to hurt me
Dear mother why couldn't you see my pain
Why couldn't you hear my cry
Didn't you know I had a storm inside
It’s not okay
You know, it’s just not
It’s not okay that I can’t just be me
You say that me is all I can be
But, then, tell me why I can’t be me when I’m with thee.
i'm laying in bed listening to old
songs that used to bring me comfort
and happiness and joy.
now they only bring back sweet pangs of
nostalgia and forgotten emotions.
at least at the time i had people
October 7th, 2017
Today was a horrible day.
There have been more and more days like today.
And I met a boy.
He smokes cigarettes, and hits me when he drinks.
He tells me I am worthless.
I'm not sure how it happened, but
I woke up one day to realize
I haven't aged in a very long time
These bodies don't define who we are
Sensing change in the breeze,
Hearing music in rustling leaves,
Finding hope in the strength of the trees,
Seeing beauty in the birds flying free,
That feeling of wonder when you stop to believe,
Why must you, leave as the leaves
I love you, but leave you must
Forget us, leave our dead tree
We’re apart, like steel and rust
Relationships can change like gusts of wind
I know not of what you were thinking then
How did you ever get me oh so pinned
You were changing me again and again
Because I love you, my stems have begun to grow from the roots of your heart.
My romance for you has fluctuated, leaving you dumb-founded,
I exulted in distance and animosity,
Don't lie to me please.
I felt the shifting,
I felt the metal creaking in your mind
I felt the idea wheels turning
Dont lie to me please.
I felt when the I Love You was merely infatuation
Can you hear the silence?
Can you taste the tears?
Can you see the dark?
Can you mend the wounded?
Can you feel their heart?
I'm desperate for a change
Right now my life is strange
My past seemed so simple
But now I get stressed over anything
It makes me cripple
Can I just hit rewind?
Take me back to the time
the skin i wear is dry.
i fear that my knees
have been on the floor
for too long.
pleading for my loss
to return.
my mother said,
“mix lime with honey,
I reach down and take your hand in mine
And it is cold but still comforting
As we look down from this hill
We can stay here, if you want
At least until kindergarten
My coat has missing buttons
It simply will not close
The open coat sends shivers
From my head down to my toes
My coat lost all its buttons
When it caught on something rough
My skin used to be an armor
and as courageous as I seemed
it was all just this facade
that made sleep make me feel like I could be redeemed.
But I was lost
and I wasn't me.
The days have been rough, the hours long
It is a one-sided battle, no one can win
That is not true love
Tears have been shed, I know not by you
That is not true love
Today I fucked on a letter you wrote
to me a long time ago
What it means?
I dont know.
But you wrote about
Our garden.
To be numb was always the safest route:there were no alternates, no endangering side roads,a straight runway- avoidance of any emotion. I did not think I wanted to change,
They used to hold me softly when I started to break
Like a thing made of fragile glass to be treated
With the wariness and fear of the untouchable.
But not you.
You hold me in iron embrace,
What perfect means to me
Is no perfection at all.
It means that you are clumsy,
You are loud,
You are quiet,
You are graceful.
It means that you are awkward,
You are simple,
Why do yours shake when they reach my waist
why do they make me want to grow smaller and smaller and
why do your fingernails
dig into my skin as I speak
There is a strong argument going on within me, a fight if I'm not mistaken. My soul really wants to do this but my body strongly disagree.
Sitting on a bench that is
some shade of red.
Knees jerk while the rest of the body
quietly shivers.
Another long night closing at the store,
which is to be followed by a long night
Time is ticking away
and in the blink of an eye everything has changed.
Those friends you once knew
each on their own path
so that when you meet it is
"Hey long time no see."
We tend to live for those who judge,We tend to forget that we’re masters of our own soul,If we look for our - selves the whole time,Why let somebody change it all. Love is what you give, how it makes you feelNot about what you get because it all f
it smells like it's going to rain
the air outside, despite the sun, suggests a downpour
of golden droplets onto my head and hands
healing drops to help me realize
Princess so fair come over here,
Give me a kiss that will save you life.
Prince so cute where are you?
Give me a kiss that will save my life.
We are beautiful ,
You are bubblegum pink,
I am dizzy but not fainted,I am scrubbed raw, but I am tainted,I am despised, I am hated,And these are the things I wish weren't true,I've hurt those around me,Been the person I never want to be,
Mirror mirror on the wall
What will be the death of us all?
She sat there making judgment of who is most fair
Where dreams come true, she lived a nightmare
This world is inhibited with cruelty and vengeance
Where they gather today to reside the reminiscence.
We are our own oblivion, shattering ourselves with the knowledge of nothingness.
Death awaits-
Dear Doubtful Loved Ones,
My mental illness is not a product
Of failed relationships.
My mental illness is not a result
Of someone not loving me.
My mental illness is not based
Dragging hearts,
Falling feats,
Fading art,
Slowing beats,
Gaining vigor
Moving on,
Growing rigor,
Finding dawn.
Inhale and exhale
We breathe, but better when we sleep.
And move, as though a boat set to sail.
What if white were black and black were white,
What if night were day and day were night.
Would things stay the same
Or would they suddenly change?
You see, it's all about the meaning, not about the name.
This war we're fighting is more important than we know,
It more than simply being 'rebels' or 'feeling the flow'
It's about making a world filled with hope.
It's more than words on page,
Than going through a phase,
Right to left, left to rightwe are safe, in the dark of night.With the moon beaming on our pale skin, oh so brightdon't suck my soul out, scream with all our might.Listen to the slow vibrations, the tiny sleeping bees
My love is Beautiful
My love is Kind.
Mantras that I keep in Mind.
I am Amazing
I am Great
I start to feel the ground
it shakes.
I want to Love
To feel my Soul
Take it easy
Your mind is thin paper held up to the sun
Through it shines colors the eye can’t even see,
But you’re quick to burn too fast...
Be mindful & burn slow...
I Rose from the covers of the earth
That nurtured me till my birth
Gaily and slowly clearing my eyes
Above I see the bright blue skies
I sway with ease with my leaves
Guns, death, anger at race Too many times have tears rolled a face To cry is to express pain and distress America seems to be in that state of mess
There is a spray tan in the oval office.
I don’t want to hear from the Tangerine Man about his wall.
The word ‘them’ has a greater capacity to separate people than any wall.
Forget the blood lines that make our trees bright red
Forget the colors that highlight our lively skin
Brothers, sister, mothers and fathers
We are all something bigger, better and stronger
America, land of the free.
America, home of the brave.
America, home of the immigrant.
Change is seen as scary, terrifying,
I grew up in America,
America the beautiful.
But somehow along the way things changed,
I do not recognize my country now.
I miss her more every day.
America, the brave?
More like America the Slave.
Founded on the oppression
Of millions, and millions.
Our ideals of freedom are only for those
How could you?
I trusted you,
I believed in you,
And now with every passing day I weep
As this once great nation is now in shambles.
How could we stray so far
The world is big, the world is crazy
But in this world, you can’t be lazy
Discrimination is the problem
If we can fix that then maybe we will be saved
No more war no more hate
My brown colored skin was never considered competition,
Instead it's laughed at behind closed doors,
Growing up I often wondered,
Quite often actually,
What people died to come here for,
My country has the sounds of freedom.
My country has the laws of justice.
My country has the land of liberty.
My country is my home.
It is a home to me and to many alike and unlike me.
Grim are the days when
Grass does not whisper
And silent run streams
But no one listens
To know the difference
A country that's known for its supposed greatness
A country that's known for its presumed freedom
A country that's known for its "many oppurunities for all"
They call us the greatest.
Sometimes we can know why.
But if we are tastelesss,
then we're hung out to dry.
They elected Lincoln
was honest, brave, and true.
Now our morals are sinkin'
Am I Brave, as they say?
Or do I continue for my fear
Of failing?
Equality, Individuality
Unity, Diversity
The archaic American Ideals
Change is inevitable
Change the inevitable
Life is a repeating bell curve
Ups and downs on a massive scale
And America is on the down turn
Unemployment: 4.5%
I battle with fate. I battle it, I battle it!My control, not yours! Let my decisions mean something. What kind of depression comesfrom trying and doing and acting and kicking and screaming just to see
poems for cash?
poems to bash?
land of the debt
students who fret
learn they say
till one day
you'll have sway
teacher teacher
land of the debt
cheeks always wet
Remember when the sky was blue?
When there were no planes nor motors too.
The days of travel dragged on and on,
often taking lives like falling flies.
But as time moved on,
the hardships were gone.
We’re starving as a country
We needed a change,
But this isn’t what we wanted.
We say “we,”
But we function as “I.”
I didn’t want this
O say can you hear the black man's screams through the shots
What so proudly we blame the girls skirt length for the boy's crime
Whose broad assumptions deny a safe haven to innocent Muslim families
Stunning America, a special child from birth/Freedom her absent father, Liberty her mother/At a ripe young age she would have to prove her worth/And join forces with Justice, her unborn brother/ When Justice was born, a premature being was he/His
America the Great, or so she used to be...
We the people traded in our life and liberty.
We're slaves to media now
surrounded by what other people think,
struggling for independence like a spider in a sink.
I once believed in the American Dream. Now its dead, like Malcolm and the King. I have a dream. One day, freedom will ring.
Comb through your luscious, red hair,
And find me lying amidst those tongues of fire,
Betwixt the very sand and sky—
I could just cry,
For in due time,
I’ll fall for human physiognomy,
Looking up at the stars
feeling the grass on feet
tears in eyes
blood in the street.
The wind is howling,
the birds all scream,
at the horrendous crimes
that the media eats.
As we have 1.6 Million people on the steets braving nature as if we are in year 1.
As we have 4.9 percent of Americans unemployed, not counting those not even looking for jobs.
Feeling the warm rays of golden sunlight,
their gentle touch carresing
my exposed skin
as I lay still listening, watching...
The murmurr of the leaves
a whispering all of the secrets never heard,
A w a v e to a stranger
despite their shore
may capture a smile
through times of war.
Since when did a lack of opposable thumbs become a death sentence?
Abused dogs, grilled cows, and fur-coated chinchillas
All want the same the thing
We take that dream of living away from them
The Country that rose from oppression
Filled with people with their own mission
We strive for success whatever the stakes
Pushing ourselves to achieve it no matter what it takes
Zero to thirteen to fifty
Farm to factory to firm
From dreams 'till fate
From duty 'till freedom
In justice
In unity
Unwavering that waving
Unstifling that soul
Women standing in the crowded downtown,
Hold home-made signs in their hands.
Many of them read,
"Keep your laws off my body".
I am one of these women who stand,
Although my hands are empty.
The place where my mom's cold hands touched my forehead
And the place where cool misty breezes kissed my cheeks.
Take me back.
The place where I fell asleep on the carpet
I sit here alone in the dark
staring out the window
counting fading stars
Waiting for dreams that will never come true
Waitig for promises to be pursued
brokenand I refuse to bealive and energizedbecause who I am issuffering everydayby drowning my sorrows in alcohol,but nothing changeseverything can be overin one small instant
Oh say can you see?
By the dawn’s early light
The big wall towering
Over us all upright
Whose broad bricks
And bright clay
Do I think America is great of course
But do I think it could be better definitely
There is so much that can be done in order to make America different
Different from what all the other countries could ever be
For my country, my heart swells with pride;
The land where my rights are upheld, and never denied.
But I must confess,
Our country is a constant work in progress.
To me it’s a shrouded mystery,
I hope to make a change.
I hope to make a change that will help people.
Brothers and sisters.
I hope that I can help right this wrong world.
Land of the free
Home of the brave
Cruel individuals litter the streets
With their lies and sneers
When will people be genuine again?
America is filled with cheaters and liars
the beast beneath me
the beast above
the beast within me
the beast unloved
this beast is wild
this beast is free
but love captured it's mind
who would love something so beastly?
Hi there! Please go away now!
You don’t belong here!
You don’t look like us,
You don't sound like us, and
You don’t do things like us!
i snap and snarl
when thoughts dark and vial
are found inside my head
so with my jaws
and help from the Lord
i shake them out of my head
when the thoughts grow back
I simply visualize a place in'harmony...on my way home from work.
But these torns have grown over my'path, constantly... stepping into climax!
A butterfly so beautiful, with wings so unique.Fluttering quietly; with not much purpose, other than to be looked at in awe. This exhilarating being happen to land on my shoulder. At that moment, I could only question my very existence.
My past life used to appeal to me, now it is dreary in comparison.
No one I truly loved, no full happiness, no perfect peace.
I could fall asleep without tears or anguish,
Growing up with my mom, hardly ever had a father figure.It was like I was the only one who ever saw the bigger picture.I grew up in New York with my mom in an apartment.My dad was a handy man who worked on anything from ceiling to floor carpet.I w
To take away,
with the accordance of a fowl,
the flight of a child
is not the loss of air.
The wings that protrude
from the back of your aims
are the soul that keeps one on fire;
The sentence of an almost adultFor the crime of surviving this longNot livingEyes closed, shut tightThe only thing that had my name on it before now were
Change is old
It's an eternal idea
To imagine a year in the life
Oh what growth to behold
I'm becoming a wife
To my true love
I'm a student
To reach my potential
An employee
There are no monsters in the closet--
Not yet.
Because the fangs of friends have yet to be sharpened
School is a land of heroes and misfits
Winter of last year; although friends were plentiful, the blistering cold influenced a focus on the individual-- me.
From youth, I knew not all plants grow --
Some are cut at the roots,
Some sprout of row,
And some never see the light of day
And feel the rain on their leaves
And the sun on their cheeks
I once wandered the lands- with nothing but the dust.
The journey I took- I had no one to trust.
My year long journey- began in the spring
It was at this time, lonliness began to sting.
My mind was once a machine, whirring as if to say,
Think is not fleeting.
One idea, one belief, that was enough for me,
Think is not feeling.
Nighthorse Chan
I look at the person I was a year ago.
Contemplating if I changed… I don’t know.
And that I realize
When I look into the eyes
Of the boy that evolved to a man who has grown.
This past year of late,
I changed, as one would say-
But untraceable to the outside world,
Only I know the change.
Why is change good?
What happend to if it aint broke don't fix it?
I used to be in a good time in my life
The days sped by and the nights were a blink
Now I go through the motions and hope I dont sink.
Times have changed and I’m aboard the timeless train.
The clock goes tick tock and I watch dimensions pass me by
...In attempt to hold onto past circumstances,
Who she was last year,
Compared to what she is now.
A vessel of honey,
Transformed into malt vinegar.
But is it a surprise that a girl so young and hopeful
On a special morning in December
20 years ago
I landed with only 2 suitcases
I cried, missing all the familiar faces
I was scared
In one year of agingI grow to be seniorthis status is not mentalI still have so far,to go. So far,have I comegreat distances traveledgreater obstacles climbedand the greatest people met. I follow otherslike waters to the moonsthe deepest ripples f
I hear the news
It's life changing fate
It brings the blues
Yet, I can not negate
To break many mends
I feel it's to soon
It's going to end,
But I may bloom
Fatal Infatuation
As a child I was told of the significance of what we call love
The sweet serendipity that it brings to your life
I am from the suburbs and
I am unaware of what the city has to offer and how it will shape me
I love to make sure people can trust me in a relationship
I love having other people rely on me
Before, She laid in a hospital bed
Now, she makes sure the dogs are fed.
Before, She was surrounded by nurses.
Now, she collects designer purses.
Her family used to hope and try
Falling asleep with someone is comforting, Waking up intertwined is gaiety. But trusting someone is hard and trusting yourself is the hardest.Lips on that bottle, crying until your smell was no longer lingering,Life became transparent.My future wa
A change in me - I said that would never be
And something more - I said what would that be fore
I love the way I am and what I'll be
I see no reason for a change in me
Agitation sets in.
Rays of sunshine assault the roost.
Orange beams awaken the cock.
Obnoxious is my neighboring early bird.
Five hundred, twenty five thousand, six hundred minutes.
Some of them we don't remember because we’re deep in sleep. Some we don't remember because our unconscious will not keep.
All my life has been
torture bending backwards from
the swing of words
hanging off the edge of
mountain’s wishing someone
would stop and pull me
You're alone, and it hits you.
You are not quite,
Your friends can feel it.
You don't go out.
You don't smile.
You don't live.
You've changed.
It's like
Every year starts with a resolution for many, but for me it was an epiphany.
First some humor; resolution broken down is, "re-solution,"
I think the most confusing element
We try to understand in life
Is time
Time is unchanging
Something unknown
To the human race
Mi amor, you left me cold.
You arrived out of the blue.
Then you charmed me
And made me feel safe.
I felt emotions more deeply
Than I ever thought possible.
I fell in love with you.
The year is 2012 and I am not okay
The cinderblock walls suffocate me
As I listen to everyone around me
They're talking, they're talking
Talk, talk, talk
An endless symphony of gossip and jokes I don't get
Time passing
slowly, slower, slower still
senior sweatshirts
caps and gowns
graduation gifts
beach days
each day a little slower
yet a little faster
With no change, comes no growth;
As the pendulum swings,
we watch as time goes by,
faster than the blink of an eye;
Mid semester, junior year,
work starts to pile up, work not handed in,
There's something that stirsUnder the surfaceOf my skinIt CreepsAnd CrawlsAnd Begs to get in
it was winter when we met
and summer when you left
maybe there’s some irony in that,
but i haven’t found it yet.
as soon as our eyes met,
2016 changed me.
I felt afraid,
I saw acts of terror,
I wished for strength,
I traded my sorrows for a pretty face
And a bottle
I traded my sorrows for him
And a cigarette to my lips
My sorrows were replaced
the weatherman always lies.
Friends were supposed to bring the sun
but took it to another part of town
The sun rose and shone on my face through the window
I threw myself out of bed and fixed my hair
I walked up to my mirror and realized that I wasn't looking at my own reflection
Her hair was a mess
A year ago I would drop pioson in every drink
I would lock myself in a tall tower
I would stab myself in the back
I was shocked everytime it bled
No one teaches you how to stop hurting yourself
Ever changing into someone new
Must be life’s way of saying “boo!”
Out of the house and on my own,
I don’t want to take out another loan.
I’ll make things work.
Over the course of years,
Over the course of days,
Over the course of writing this sentence
The so-called "future" has changed immensely
Similar to how seasons occur
Changing colors, changing shapes
Oh how the winds have changed
all wind blows with the curviture of the earth
but not all whip and burst in the same directions
Some winds dash throgh the trees and encourage leaves to dance
Small and quiet
This frail child,
Always seeking validation from others
Always wanting to know what she did was okay
Did she look right? Did she walk right?
Is her hair in place? Is she sitting up straight?
I am a new progression of chords on a major scale. My irovy is the same with a new collection of notes. Instead of them clashing as they have done before, they harmonize into a scale of grace.
Measured in what?
In seconds/minutes/months/years/who we are
Versus who we were
Versus how long it has been
They say high school is the best time of your life
But it made me hate myself
I compared myself relentlesly
To my friends who always seemed superior
I thought they had it all together
The "Looking Glass Self" says that how others view us is how we view ourselves.
It's amazing to think that we see ourselves through the eyes of someone else.
I sowed tolerance and kindness
Into crimson earth
Noble seeds nurtured by quiet altruism,
Blessed by a watchful God.
I reaped denial and illusion
Saw a heart too tolerant
I’m worn and withered from being this bird.
Of fire and ash, ash and fire.
Over and over, morning-born,
evening ebbing.
Waking up weary in the fluttering, frail flakes
burned paper, song, and skin.
Next time you see me, I may look the same
The same short blonde hair framing a pale face
The same bright blue eyes behind the same lenses
But don’t be fooled
As the leaves have fallen down
So does my heart go
Bare trees rooted in the ground
Yet I fly away
Twelve months ago where were you
Seasons have changed you
Twelve months later a new you
They say that up to half of college students go in
not knowing what to do
struggling, drowning in money
while they try to choose.
Pick one
If you asked me to describe who I was last year
I could not tell you
Even she would not have the words to depict herself
She had no clue
Insecurities and emotions skewed her self-image
Until she grew
The attention span of a teenager is no more than 20 minutes But
I sit in my 90 minute English class
Sitting in my bland grey, uncomfortable chair
I hear my teacher say
The world is changing.
For better, or for worse?
Last year people seemed to overlook me
In my surroundings I felt cursed
What did I done wrong? I asked
I received no answer, so I wore a mask
Perhaps the world is naught but a bubble,
hovering and twirling with the winds of Fate-
'oer sands of Time, and Wonder.
Our hourglass past a fading dream-
the spark of Hope snuffed like a candle in the breeze.
The world is not mine
It never was, and never will be
I am an infinite speck on the horizon
Who is finally dedicating their life
Rowing the little boat over the roaring tides and underneath the thundering clouds, I hold onto the life I had lived before. The load got heavier, the rain fell harder and the waves crashed with more anger. I surveyed the black water, looking for
Dear me a year ago...
I would like to imagine to myself as though I were a boy trapped in his own mind
that somehow this letter would greet you with a remeniscent face,
but I know such a thing won't happen.
“You’re not the same”, they say
But now I am confused
“You’ve really changed”, they say
I thought that’s what I was supposed to do.
The moment I left for college
I knew my choice was right
She gave up that retirement plan
So she could become all that she can
Pushing away the money vice
She knows what it means to make a sacrifice
Gripping on the helm of fate
Praying it's never too late
I was the one with that slaughtered her trust I was the one who made him lust I was the one with the title on my name , the title that has put me to shame.I was the one who showed no pain , no reason for me to let them see my pain .I am the one th
As my life goes on & my days get shorter , I start to realize that the people I met in my past were not meant to be in my future. I excogitate on this topic heavily because I think of it as a sign of the old me , morphing into a bigger & b
“yeah, I used to get panic attacks myself.” my ease surprises me. I’m relaxed, not like the calm before a storm when havoc is about to wreak. just calm. no storm.
America the Great?
No, America is hate.
Divided by supremacy
yet, we're called "United States."
The unfortunate reality
but I still have faith
that we'll make it through together,
To those who wait
It is hard to think
That one day
all this is not going to matter
The parties
The boys
The grades
One day
You will forget about this
So little time, so much change.
I look back on myself from the beginning of 2016
The insecure, worrisome, self-conscious girl.
If in designation we find substance,
We are neither truly rich nor poor.
I know what you see when you look at me.
At least I fear as you.
2016 came around
Basketball dominated my mind. It gave me joy I had found
It was my last season
I was sad for it to end, and for a good reason
It was my passion, it gave me life
Anxiety. Fear. Panic.
My world is about to make a complete 180
Just make it through graduation without being manic
You did it. What’s next? You’ll have to do your best
I am alone now. Time to make my own way
The way she walks transmogrifies
My brain into soft clouds and kites
When below is where reality lies
Sweetly, strongly, in those silt brown eyes
Around those black river rocks, madsmoothed
Our thoughts and prayers are with you say the living to the dead
But no one acts to prevent those souls from laying down their head
"I can't live without my precious gun, it brings me too much joy", they say
A year ago I thought nothing could get worse
It will get better- After all, it is January the first
Underneath the bedsheets, I cried and cried
Silence is fine- After all, it is better than to confide
I am aware that
I've fallen
Into some bad habits lately
But I am unaware that
Human is a disease
This is just different
Let me make mistakes
You see me in the smoke
Circling your chimney,
Ever-present yet peripheral.
If only you knew...
Even fire can't keep you warm.
You feel the embers of a flame
I stand here as today becomes yesterday,
things that are become things that were.
And the closest of friends’ drift away,
I find myself in a little dilemma.
One for the ages, like those in the books.
A story of joint existence, and conjoined interest.
The world was a place like no other, but then you stepfoot.
Ever since I was five I've had stage fright,and recurring terrors every night.I used to lay in my bed,while negative images flowed throughout my head.
Hello, Dakota
It's your teacher, kreiger
I need you to listen
I need you to be
There has been a fire
It was at your house
Your farm is incinerated
everything there is
Time is an illusion.
At first, you don't agree
but after some thought, you begin to wonder.
Am I an illusion?
Is this world?
At first, you laugh
but after a minute, you begin to think.
I’m different now.
I find myself searching for the peace I used to have
The peace that was given to me
The peace that surpassed understanding.
I find myself struggling to find optimism
same old,
same new.
you look back
and boom.
everything has changed.
but where?
you woke up the same as yesterday.
your hair is longer,
your body is older,
My heart beats the same as ever
My eyes see just as poorly
My nose works just as well
Yet I am different
When I roll out of bed late
You were in my life before I even knew,
A boy who sat quietly two seats away.
With your glasses and your sweet little smirk,
You took my world by the reigns.
A pure smile and delightful tone,
The concept of time is so strange
We never realize how much in a year that we change
The sun always rises and it's a blessing to be awake
Another chance to fix yesterday's mistakes
I've found that change is a messenger,
And it only brings the thing's we've set for.
I've found surprizes this year, like every other,
But each was not really anything new, but set.
I've found that change is a messenger,
And it only brings the thing's we've set for.
I've found surprizes this year, like every other,
But each was not really anything new, but set.
As time goes on, so does age.
Appearance grows of greater importance — or less,
Makeup changes as one realizes how bad it was.
Hair changes as one needs something new in life.
Caught between one life and the next,
the ground cracks beneath my feet, singing.
Throw yourself, it croons, ageless volcanoes
humming up through jagged earth.
My heart breaks, tugging me forward,
I never really understood life
This constant process looking for a drive
Not taking in what was achieved
But looking at the future and old please
I learned that life is a game
Some people more constrained
I believe that many say, time changes
It molds, grows, shapes, scrapes,
I, with tired limbs, heavy eyes, a crazy sleep schedule
In 2015 I was too shy and lonely to even speak
Wanted to turn so many words down, but I was too weak
A year ago, was hurt with words, vision blurred
Mind and body stirred
She was an artist,
She was a beautiful, lost soul,
Everyone knew she would change the world,
Except for her,
She did not know what she would do,
She did not know her potential,
Breathing, fleeting, nonexistent memories turned into dreams
Waking, realizing, the world isn’t as it seems.
This life is temporary, find yourself now.
A new year meant a new start.
The beginning was a blast,
and when that clock struck midnight
everything was in the past.
When spring came around,
things began to change.
Pencil shavings became a sign of accomplishments
A’s became common
Teachers became leaders
School became a creative space.
Glances became kisses
A valuable year soars by,
Opportunities and experience it provides.
Yet a greedy year glides by,
Toxic relationships and people it hides.
love be tender
love be rich
love me till my final breath
love be faithful
love be kind
love be the trusting lifeline
love be gentle
love be whole
Everyday I woke, I worked, all day to day, no change.The broken record called "My Life", was simply played away.Routine will grind your smallest bones of vigor into naught,and as day and day pass away you'll find your heart has stopped.For me, for
Shoveling driveways, my ligaments at risk of a deep freeze, I earn my worth.Saving money, temptations of Pinterest, I earn my worth.Studying units, sleep deprivation clawing at the backs of my eyelids, I earn my worth.Building a GPA, drowning in a
It has been 4 years
I can finally say goodbye
I will say it with content
Because it was a battle I thought I would never forget
One change has given me that power
The power to say goodbye
Years go by as they always do
Some go fast, others slow,
But never a year taken so long
As this year's past.
Changes occur as they always do.
Some welcome, some not.
Haircuts and new friends,
Changed because of this
Stayed the same because of that
In the darkest place
Mental health eating me alive
My uncontrollable mind enjoying the taste of my tears
My aching heart yearning for love
My baseball mitt
Stands in my closet,
Lonely and bored,
Gathering dust,
Its leather longing to catch baseballs
It doesn't take much to change a mind,
unless you have one just like mine.
A choice was given to me just last year,
And I could only think "Oh dear, Oh dear."
I had to choose, go left or go right,
Today, I woke up.Yesterday, I ate toast.The Day Before That, I rode my bike.I don't know. The change between Today and Yesterday and the Day Before That are difficult to see.But if you asked me the difference between this year and the last?
every second before this point is now apart of the change
every exprience before this point creates every lesson apart of my change
every person i've spoken to has encourage a change
The only letters I’ve ever kept
Are apology letters
Every single one from my father
Because it’s easier for him to write to me
And leave it in my room while I’m sleeping
Than to look me in the face
Something that I find really, really strange
is how well I am handeling my life.
Even though it is filled with lots of change,
I am able to take it without strife.
Most say that change is important as it
I stop. The blade freezes.
Change, there is so much
That has changed.
Adulthood is near,
I don´t find joy in stupid things,
I have grown.
Physically, mentally,
but my emotional growth lacks.
I chewed all of my fingernails off last night
Ripped them away as if they were only tarnished paper
Unable to clasp my necklaces or untangle knots right
They told me I was too fat, so I changed a little.They told me I was too stupid, so I changed a little.
They told me I was too ugly, so I changed a little.
As New Years day came, the words "new beginnings" engraved my soul.
I was tired of playing games, and from us taking it slow.
I made my decision, i was moving to miami, cause you had my heart.
Could I ever write a poem
That would change the
Minds of men,
Words that would make the
World stop turning
And halt the advance of time.
If the only thing to fear is fear itself
I find it funny that I'm so scared to be
I am most scared when no one expects me
to stand up.
I look away,
But the lost girl inside
is telling me to speak up.
I mumble an answer
But the lost girl inside
is telling me to yell.
I walk with my head down,
We wander about
looking for truth.
Refusing to see
the truths right
under our noses.
We aimlessly search
for hidden truths
wandering about
like children
It's crazy to think
it been only a year.
So much has changed
it's all such a blur.
We started out strange,
awkward, and
Now as a year draws near,
I am cut from a seperate fabric than the rest.
My material is a vibrant red while everyone else's is a pale blue.
They try and tell me, "You are blue! Just like us." Yet I am not color blind.
I see the difference.
Whenever I feel down, I remember I can change,
I'm supposed to change. I'm never the same person.
Even from moment to moment, you're allowed and expected to grow up.
That's the greatest gift of all: the ability to grow up.
Today is my day.
Though things may not go my way,
From my path of success I will never stray.
I am powerful, fearless, strong.
Each morning that is my chorus, verse, my song.
Whether the sky awakens bright with color
Or dark and dim with a sun that's covered
I get out of bed and look in the mirror
I say to myself "You are made to be here"
Time is ticking and I will not let it go to waste
I am not feelin’ good.
Instead of staying in my sheets
I will hit the streets
It was a bad day
But this will be a good run.
One day you will be kissed for the first time by someone who didn’t deserve to feel your lips
One day you will held by someone who didn’t deserve to touch your fingertips
Believe me,
I said, "How long will it take?"
I mean, we've seen the same mistakes
Ain't it crazy after all this
We're still waiting for change
And the faces are the same
The pain, it still remains
to write?
to right the wrongs?
for the right of way?
today? Is that right?
to be Christened in Christ’s' rite?
It was what nobody suspect,
And denial begins,
Because how could a girl like me
Who has everything
Fall into this pit of darkness?
Is it really my fault
That I may be depressed?
The human eyes allow us to see
and the spiritual one allows us to perceive.
As a result, I wake up with desire to grow up to be,
is the greatest instiller in all of history.
Fallen Shoulders
Once Raised High
Gardens Growing Up like Vines
Flower fields place their Roots
Deep within the Spine they Loop
Beneath Between Around About
The Cord that Dances
Up to the Crown.
When the sky begins to fall, be ready to catch the stars.
For the beauty of it all, will lie within your heart.
An ever expanding reality created from the dark,
bursting out of imagination as light you must embark.
“Why don’t people know about this.” I think
As my body soars away from my seat
I feel as thought I’m filling the space
like water once shaped to the pipes
Society can't heal to humanity we're just profanity everything is vanity and no one
has sanity. But when my ink touches the paper crease, I am assured of some peace.
We've all heard that phrase, "Out with the old and in with the new,"
But who knows what this change will mold her into?
Sure it will be different, it will be a new venture,
It's never too late
You must feel trapped
And feel like it's all faith
It's never too late
To change your life
And to make it all great
It's never too late
What you should do
There are days in which I wish would not end,
And there are days that I hope would just pass.
Sometimes I just need the help of a friend,
At first glance, I saw the world as a new pair of glasses, As things move forward,And time moves past us, I mature to see all the little scratches, So bad I'm unsure how we've lasted this long, With a beef between race and class so strong, I see h
I am a misfit
I don't do what others do
I write words ignored.
My eyes have seen hate.
My ears hear things I'd never say,
They are full of hate.
[The Fall - A Focal Point]
Enter the breeze, the cool air... the mystifying flow of perfection as the leaves change color for the last time.
One time, one focus, the magic of the allure
I have encountered a knowledge that must be shared,
Spread it around the world it is a cure for despair,
A seed must be planted in this world full of tall tales,
We must cut out the lies that was woven in our hairs,
When I would look into your eyes
They would deliver the sweetest messages and no lies,
When I first gazed upon your heavenly face
I could see my heart's longing place,
When I would hold your hand
I read that words have the power to change us and for the longest time, I refused to believe it.
Get ready for this intervention
People are dying
Children are crying
Men are lying
Touch the paper with a pencil
Shouting thoughts come alive
My mind is leaking ideas
The words explode on paper
Eventually coming together
To create a world of mine
Thinking becomes out of control
There are a few things you should know,
About me and my life,
And what I've learned to not show.
You don't know what I feel,
I keep it well hidden,
But maybe I shouldn't,
I was brought into this world with no mind of my own,
Seeing time fly by I knew I had no control.
Since the time I remembered I was only just five years old,
Sitting in play time by myself, I was alone.
When a poet is born, change is born
Ideas meant to inspire are born
I am a poet through song
I tell my stories, and those of others
I write messages meant to be openly interpreted
When it rains, it pours
- I never understood the meaning before.
A few months ago when embarking on an Adventure of a Lifetime,
I figured it out on night two of nine.
Stop pretending you are so nice,
Hidden in the world like dirty mice.
Faking a sugary smile with a honey voice,
Taking a knife to your victims of choice.
You are weak because you can't keep quiet,
You build me up
To bring me down
What a wonderful world
I have found
Smart, strong, brave they all say
As death welcomes me to dance in my grave
We live in a land of hurt,
a land of pain,
a land of passing.
Its throat is burnt,
its face is plain,
its lungs are gasping.
Sweep it off
and ignore the beast
Not today.
I’ll do it tomorrow.
Does this sound familiar?
It’s what kids tell their parents. At least, that’s how it was in my household.
RIGHTI was not always rihgtI used to be meanI never did my choresI hated lifeI was not always rgiht I had no friends because I didn't treat them rigtI didn't make my bedI didn't try hardI never smiled My life was not rhigtI stayed up until 3I spen
Who will care when the world ends?
Will it be you or any of your friends?
What if the world ended today?
Would you be happy with how it ends?
We cannot even describe the way
We look at you every single day.
You, the tormentors, the ignorant, the sinners,
Yet also the popular, the loved, and the winners.
I'm sitting in this cold hard chair. Wondering where I went wrong. Unable to sit back because I keep feeling the splinters peirce my back.
Words cannot change the world
And it will never be true that
We can make a difference just by writing
The written word
Is not able to replace
Advancing technology in our society
How much longer can I hold on?
Hold on to this reality,
The smiles that I place
On my usually tiered face.
Hold on to this image that you see
A confident girl that is happy.
Finding ways to get things throughAllowing them to finally be trueAn expression of fear and doubtBeing able to let things outCreating a work of artFrom a rough startI was set freeAnd allowed to be me
I hate you,why don't you just die
is what I wish I could say
but part of me still cares no matter how hard I try
I still like you why.
silence can be inspired
pain can be inflicted
faith can be tested
memories can be agony
lonliness can be made
madness can be sanity
bravery can be cowardis
the truth can be falcified
The meaning
Is so unclear
And yet plain
A true paradox
This simple word
It traps me
Stabs me
Gives me bliss
Makes me feel
As light as a feather
It makes me vulnerable
I just want to take a few minutes of your day,To tell you about how we can truly change society's ways,There's contamination everywhere,from our televisions, our music,our food and things that we drink,
When Robbin Williams died,Suicide,My family sighed saying, that's just how things are sometimes.
You mask your hellBecause no one understoodYet you open to one personA stranger who came from the shadowsSomeone who doesn't know human conditionsBut you felt close to them
Getting away,
Getting happy,
Getting social,
Being yourself,
Expressing yourself,
Keep it secret,
Only I deserve to be high,
No one else understands.
It feels so great!
What I've learn most about myself
Is people change, for better or worse,
But not me.
I seem to change but I am the same,
Same personality with the same name
Perhaps it's the bottles in my mind-sea
We met the other day,
All was fine one could say.
Let's face the truth: it was not.
We were strangers to one another,
Different from what we thought.
It was awkward,
Was it not?
It is hard to forget-
more than one can describe. Images pressed against the skull,
replaying memories that decrease the rythmic motions of one's heart.
Take a big whiff and smell the pungent smell of name brand perfume and fumes This nigeritis chokes the esophagus with promises to bring human carcassesShiny belt buckles match the color of these infected smiles hoping this trend lasts a while Mone
Poetry is not a thing, it is a feel. Poetry is the conglomerate of emotions, stories, and verbal actions put together in the form of perfection. The poet is the background that the poetry uses as a support system.
Expressing emotions wasn't reality for some people.Just like others in society, I follow the flow. Did what any good human would do.Spend nights wondering why I wasn't like others.
You took care of me,
When I felt alone and forgotten.
You kept my secrets,
And comforted me when I cried.
Now I have to watch,
Watch you fallen and in pain.
You're incapable to say,
Wht's that supposed to be?
Believing in the path she's on she thought
Even as all outside of me falls
It's maintaining my sight
Knowing what I believe I create in my life
it only takes a seconds guessto second guesseverything that happensso just know things that happen nextmay never come to be.
At first she was No.
Now, No was beautiful
And no I’m not talking about that porcelain skin, straight hair thigh gap beautiful.
Green grass implies Spring, here in this statuesque creation,
With flowers escalating from the earth, softening its foundation.
I was blank.
A colorless existence with nothing more than a mere outline to hold my soul steady,
An outline child only a mother could love.
I was the grey cloud that floated behind every rainbow,
Last night I thought that the Moon had disappeared.
A clear sky with no Moon
When I knew it should be a quarter full
I'm still not sure where it went
My eyes they weep
But tears can't grow grass.
Or roots for that matter...
My heart it beats
and throbs on the street.
The movement was meant for us...
I've reached the point where there's nothing else to say
I've written every poem and song
thought every deep thought that transcends
the common state of mind.
over analyzed and dissected every action and memory
I remain a silhouette A shadow behind an unrequited love The dweller of the mysterious apartment,Several floors above the cheaters and false loversThis is how they treat the poet
You are a florescent bulb
And the world is a room
It is not a dark room
But it is dark to you
You must find a socket
Discover the grooves
And take the twisting the world has done to you
There's a hole in my soul and a hole in my sole
It hurts when I dream and it stings when I walk
There's a mountain staring down at me
A silent letter
(doubled, sixth to the end)
To live without contact is to never feel a thing,
To live without humanity is to throw away compassion,
I shall never live without human contact.
I do not crave discrimination, corruption, or demoralization.
We live in a world where morals don’t exist,
Where there is violence, hate and children who cut their wrist.
Where it’s “okay” to look down on others for their lack of things,
She’s a person of color,
Who’s afraid to confront the police,
Asking herself why can’t there be peace.
Day and night she thinks about her brother,
I was the one
Who broke the vase
All its pieces
Shattered on the floor
And so I’m sorry
That you had to pick them up
And sort through the ruins
One by one
All I need is someone to take care of me.
Someone to be patient with me.
Someone to hold me, feed me, and change me.
Someone to teach me and play with me.
All I need is a bicycle!
I wish there were more people
who walked around the streets with sighs that read:
"Free Hugs!"
I hate to admit,
and I know others are too,
that in my life,
I needed those people.
All I need is a stick of graphite. Dark and black as the night sky itself, when no stars shine and the moon hides from the horrors besieging the world.
Driving fast let the wheels eat the pavement. / I don't want to be here I don't wanna feel this. / No one asks me where I'm going no one really cares. / Even if they did nobody really dares.
The year is new but the game is old / Same story starting and getting retold / And nobody cares if their words are gold / They just keep pretending that the worlds not cold / And everybody wishes they were someone they aren't / And everybody says
In the moonlit darkness of my heart,
I see icy cold silhouettes of desolation;
Bleak figures concealed with masks flaming bright.
Phantoms dancing around those dead trees,
Frozen in their one final reach,
I am so sick and tired of seeing “new year, new me”
New year, same me
Same world
Same trees with same leaves
And same subways, same buses
Nothing else changed, why would I, why would you?
The Broken Clock
Set upon the mantle
That which once marked time
Now sits, forgotten by its master
The shattered glass falls like rain
Marking the floor with it's kiss
There’s something about bold font
That stands out from the normal lettering
subconsciously hollering within one’s head
Because it all started with a young boy entering junior high,
As I grow and learn and mature
in a world
where all number of things
(but especially people)
are sorted and labeled,
shoved into boxes like leftovers
into too-small containers,
This is the generation of me's, we were taught nothing in this world is for free. Its made the world cold and hard, people only care about themselves going far. Or how many likes they get, whose got the most expensive shit.
City of grunge
City of decay
City of aspiration
Maybe just the start
forget the past likewise
look to the future
Once upon a time,
In a kingdom far away.
There was a mistreated maiden
And to her dismay they teased bout her shoes and her hair everyday.
I'll let you in on a secret
So tell everyone else
When America has fallen one day,
When we are at out lowest
I hope and pray a hero emerges
To take it on with courage.
I hope someone who cares a lot
Unties our broken, twisted knot
All i ever wanted was to make you happy
but i guess i couldnt because you were too busy
busy looking at other things rather than my eyes
eyes you didnt know every night cries
Tears that awakened him at night already evaporated.
Filled with words that aggressively stroked his nerves.
We cant forgive how lonely he gets.
We cant forgive his thoughts of destruction he starts to mimic.
You want an answer
here is mine
much like my heart
it beats line for line.
my answer
it weathers the storm
Can’t Live Without
By Thao-Cathleen Vo
Can’t live without
Love, because
Without love what is life?
Why continue to breathe if
No one wants to hold your hand and
Reassure you, Show you,
The little girl's mother
is dragged away and raped.
The little boy at the age of four,
is taught how to use a grenade.
The father is beaten for speaking out,
the mother walks miles for a drink.
When I was young I blew up a balloon
Shiny and perfect like a cartoon,
I tied it’s string to my wrist, strong and new
Fearing it would leave when the wind blew.
Like my shadow it followed beside
"When anger finds me buried deep
The hurt inside might make me weep
I try and take one final breath
Before I meet a friend called Death
Must go on
Must break free
But Anger tries to keep it from me
"Everyday the rage within me dies a little more
But everytime I think it's gone
It comes back stronger still
It kills my heart
To see the hurt
And the lies
The hand print of my hurt
there are more important things
then you and me
then me and you
there are more important things
then your posessions
then being possesive
How can I cope with the things that I am coming across
How can I remain the girl I used to be
How can I smile and laugh like I did back then
When I know what they think of me
How do you expect me to live my life
IncomparableMysticalMagical It is so UnattainableEnlightening DeluxeIn every way Keeping the actions of the brokenAt bayIt is like walking into an open field
I used to stop and smell the flowers
But now I just pass them by
I always long to stop
But I never do.
Once I got hurt
I realized nature bites.
If I could, I'd go back
Childhood is the playpen that keeps out the real world;
holding you close till you're readily unfurled
At the beginning it's the ignorance that keeps us at ease
Let me paint a picture of my generation.
It's as if we all suffer from a self-induced aberration.
We don't think, we just do.
Where we sink, others flew.
It kind of stinks that we can't see our potential,
How have you been? It has been awhile
The last time we spoke was in a classroom.
You read a book and I stared at the tile.
You gave me work. I looked around the room.
You asked me why I didn’t do my work.
I am a river
working hard
always moving
changing everything around me,
while accepting change, myself.
Sometimes I am calm
sometimes I am restless.
No matter,
for I am a river.
I am the difference.
I am the change that I seek in an alphabetical order i’m still amazing in these streets I rise from Ludicrous rhymes and liefs deranged.
I have butterflies in my chest
I thought I could put them to rest
stop their flittering, fluttering panic.
a day ago
a week ago
a month ago
a year ago
forever ago
I’m playing Jenga and I’ve decided
it’s the child’s version
of Russian roulette
because she’ll never stop
not when one block falls
not when they all fall.
Warmth in the womb
Forever entombed
In an endless peaceful slumber
Always a cocoon
Safe in this room
Never a note of hunger
It is amazing
How things change
Within such
A small
Of time
The couple
That were head over heels
About each other
Don't talk
Those two best friends
There is a dark hole, thats been growing for a while.
Where there was once light, is now dark, with no desire.
Day by day my body aches, causing the hole to deepen.
The focus of school has turned on us
Administators no longer showing student trust.
As a student I call for a change
Of a society open to not-perfect grades.
Students work hard, day and night
The seed of the little flower was dropped by a mother bird trying to feed her little chicks. The seed happened to drop into a yard where it was overtaken by weeds and was savagely destroyed by pollution.
Yeah that's what I'd call it
EUPHORIA: the feeling of being up until 2 am
The feeling of never wanting to sit still
The realization that the night is too beautiful to sleep through
Yeah euphoria
The world needs movers
Humanity needs shakers
We've been called to be rule-breakers
now become a difference-maker
Change a life
and love the broken
Speak new words never spoken
Go on, be bold
One word, six letters, and is something many fear. It is a transition that cues a difference.
Even if the difference could call on a positive change, we run.
Open your eyes
Can’t you see
This world’s lies
Are not the reality
This world is broken
It hurts us all
When we look at the fallen
And hear a freedoms call
I am 14
Everything is new, and optimism is endless.
The sun is brighter, boys are nicer, my first days of high school
I am 15
School is routine, mostly a burden to my social life.
I am determined to decide my own fate
To change the worlds hate
I am the one to bring light
In a world that is covered by a deceitful night
I am one who will defy my own self
I am the scars my parents put on me as a child. From the abuse mentally and physically. Little did they know they scarred me sociologically too.
I am
As waves crest and break,
And leaves burn and fall,
My vision blurs and clears as my path alters according to develpoing dreams.
I am
More than a single word or a catchy phrase,
I am a Seed
Longing to be watered, so I can spread my roots into the ground
To be able to dig deep down and build a path towards my own success
I am a Seedling
Do you know the feeling
When your mind starts spinning
And you think you are not even living?
And then your whole world starts crumbling
And a voice starts shouting at the back of your head
When I was in physics class I learned that an object with any amount of mass can store up any amount of potential energy based simply on its height and the force of gravity.
I am
a dreamer.
My mind is a playing field
My goals are the starters,
As my oppositions take the bench.
But sometimes they get up
No longer rooted
They get a chance to take part in something
My existence is captured within the breeze.
Swiftly moving,
Circulating the vibes of humanity.
Furor never inferior for I cannot easily be depressed
Try to repress me,
Waking up to you is like discovering a foreign place.
I trace every birthmark on your skin to find your face.
I was a vast land, long forgotten and claimed my none.
Curious eyes reached beyond the horizon, it had begun.
an icy fine powderthat made you lamentthe days spent twistedwarpedunder the false ideologythat manliness is to beconfided in yourdead father.
Life is a traveling circus,
new experiences all around.
People may look strange,
or come off a little odd.
It might seem scary
to try different things.
But joining that circus,
Why does high school change people?
You have kids that are mean to you when you're younger, and you have your friends.
Then those friends turn into the mean ones.
My parents don't always let me out, I don't know why.
Brown eyes,
Black hair.
Heart-shape lip,
Unnerving stare.
A young woman looks back at the mirror, confused.
The long waves of her hair are cut to her shoulders,
Her eyes empty and lost.
We come into life
believing in good
and dreaming the better
for some are privileged
others must work
then there are those
who must work harder
I thought it all made sense back then.
I didn't have the idea down yet.
Sure you can say it was way back when,
but it doesn't excuse my regret.
My life had tumbles and falls
and I thought I had it rough.
Your eyes are a deep blue,
And mine are just brown.
As soon as I dive into you,
I can't help but drown.
It´s not about how good you are,
It´s about how good you want to be.
Write words cuz I feel better about it,
Live and love are bad words.
Thought love would come not hit.
I remember ever crease in your skin,
My race, the color of my skin shouldn't affect how you view meWhat you should be looking at is that which you cannot see
My doodles have moved from pictures to words,
Evolution of expression -
Is fragmented language easier to understand than scratchy images?
Stand up and fight!We are the desperate kidsWe are stronger if we uniteLet's do what the world forbids
This is a response poem to something I heard one of my 'friends' say - "People who want to commit suicide are stupid and selfish. If they want to die, I say let them. They can have fun in Hell."
The Checkpoint..
There is a point Where impunity is cheap,
Just that point where asylum is not in check,
Our uniformed gods are now in chess,
Ready to launch at you as pawn.
I’m sorry I don’t want to be a president,
I don’t want to rule or conquer anyone,
I want to love, give and live for everyone,
I want to bury this pressing dent,
My mind keeps replaying the mornings when i'd wake up with you on my mind.
2 hours away
getting ready, to look good--for you
getting butterflies in my stomach
I was quiet.
I was bleek.
My life consisted of listening to what others said.
I grew strength.
I grew power.
I decided to follow my own path instead.
I am willful.
I am passionate.
So imagine theres a girl, and maybe another girl, and even more maybe, something like a monster inbetween them.
Which one are you?
Mesmerized by the beauty
Lost in the harmony
She is
Not focused on the problems
But the glory
Nor the sadness
But their story
Not attentive to their faults
Only noticing the shine
What Am I?
What am I but an ordinary person
Riding on the ever-so fast,
Yet ever-so slow river of Time?
With each passing second I am never the same person I was moments before.
See I don't see
See me I don't please
Tell me you see
Them there
Using me
See, no I did not come with!
I was not with them
I was blocks away!
I knew that when the going gets tough most of the tough gets going
you see they're robbin' us
leavin' us with broken promises
lying to U.S. open your eyes they're not trying to liven us
it's so unjust
Every day you live your life becomes more awesome.
Vitality fills your breath every second you stand on this earth.
This unpredictable world
is changed by those
who always see its charm.
She said I was a good girl,
I played by the rules.
I listened to orders,
And I did well in school.
I was always the good girl,
Quiet and polite.
Never saying a word,
Wake up
Drive to work in traffic
Drive home in traffic
Its the same thing
But it doesnt have to be so
You have the power to change
change the rules
If I could change the world…
War would not be a thing
No one would ever be hungry
And the mute would fearlessly sing
Everyone has their issues that keep them in the dark,But when you fight against them you can surely make your mark.Travel past your issues, onto a newly found frontier,Bring yourself together in a different atmosphere.
What would you say,If you woke up one day,And all your troubles seemed to drift away,As if they overstayed their stay.And let you out of their chaotic array.What would you say,If on that same day,
From the outside looking in you may think we are simply wide eyed and ignorant.
We have the words to change the nation
Voice that will bring to life a whole new creation
Within us are our ideas, thoughts and feelings there lies in its own station
Chrysalis dance around,
Never mind the change you've abound.
Orange burning bright with passion;
Black delicately laced for fashion.
Wings look able and ready to fly
Through the forest passing by.
The rivers of water rushing down my umbrella,
The icy hand of the wind hitting my face,
The sound of war within the clouds, ringing in my ears,
The slip slapping of my rain boots on the sidewalk pavement,
Their reaction will depend on what choice you will make
They don't care who you are
Or what you have done
They taught us what's good and bad
And made us open and realize
People will believe things that they choose to believe
Most don't see the reality behind what their eyes show them
Then again, we can't change the way they are
When in fact, this is how we believe what people really do
Butterflies. Could they exist without it?
What about flowers? What about days and nights? What about sunsets? Sunrises? Rainbows? Stories? Songs? You?
What about you?
Could you exist without it?
they say change is a bad thing
I always heat "nobody likes change"
I don't find this true
I live for change
Change brings adventure and beauty and new life
Change brings new chances and adreniline
I can change like the flip of a dime
I am unaffected by the ravages of time
I can be unforgiving, unbelievably cruel
But I can also be the most gentle, you know
Present perfect tenseOcean of ancient futuresWind of change mind rearrangeElegant emergencyReturning with gifts
Corruption uses those faces
Beautiful faces
Have control in reality and illusion
Spawning death everywhere
We need those pretty faces
That inspire and hypnotize
Like Rev. Jesse Jackson Said " Hands That Once Picked Cotton, Can Now Pick Presidents".
Each sense never perfectly replicated
Each experience unique
Because nothing is as it was before
Constantly surprises
Never boring us
He told me if I want change I have to be the change.Anything else is insanity.I just wanted four quarters for my dollar.
Check yourself
before your wreck yourself
It's a time for change
but you staying in the same place
in the same lane
this ain't chess
so why are you playing games?
You're not a king or queen
My mind is the only thing that is entirely mine.
And although it has been touched by this world a few too many times,
It remains in a place that is far away
From all that the world has decayed.
I didn't believe.
What happens when you die?
Is there a heaven and hell or am I living a lie?
I didn't believe.
You see stuff on the news.
You figure none of those things can possibly happen to you.
I am not a martyr but a revolutionary with my poetry as my weapon i know you all wonder what a few rhyming words can do and to that i say not all poems rhyme...but i digress i am not a hero but a revolutionary with my cloak of knowledge and my ar
Isn’t it awesome, that rivers are forever?
They are forever, and yet you will never stand in the same river twice,
The river is a new being and packs a punch like a spice.
Isn’t it awesome, how as humans we have grown?
Follow me in to the great bright light
Where courage knows no cowardice
And fear has no place among the bold
Follow me in to the rich golden light
Where dreams are achieved
At some point long ago, I promised myself I'd never pen another love poem.
I transposed all my ballads to cynical limericks,
All my eloquent "your smile" haikus to "fuck your denial" lyrics
Someone tell me why im having a mental breakdown.
its 10:56 and im numb.
not too long ago i got my phone taken away,
and just let me something about that.
The feeling of wariness consumes me,
I am pondering many things about modern society,
Gazing at the memories of humanities past,
Comparing and contrasting,
Why do we assume the future will be brighter?
Or to reach for the stars a little bit higher?
When contentment is over looked like the shadows that follows before me,
Greed is at a peak and there's no such thing as dignity
The human world is a mess,
A Disney quote one might know,
So many problems we need to address,
To end the pain and stop the woe.
There’s isms galore constantly around us,
12/1/2011, age 17
A shining star, a cute kitten;
All are beautiful, all are bright.
How is one to avoid the beauty
Of the earth?
You cannot say that laughter is bad
I'm the moon,
not the star.
I'm more natural,
I do not amaze,
not everyday.
I leave you
on November afternoons
when you see me through
You can stare into a glossy surface,
water stained but,
you can see what you strive to see
a reflective pool
rippled with a flash
the corners of my lips lift
with yours.
An eerie imitation
I want to be high right now
I want more guy couples at my all-guy school.
Would I date a gay guy?
Probably, if he was cute enough,
and nice.
I want guys to touch each other in caring ways.
Come listen to my truest thoughts and my truest feelings. While we are die-hard living there are people that are shining and people that are crying.
Who are we?
Who is me?
What do I see,
When I look at he?
I see a guy
Who lives in a time
Where everyone preaches individuality
Be yourself
Dont judge
Be unique
Who am I in my pixilated form?
I am filtered and digitally altered
It is NOW that I decide to reform
Because I realize now I needn’t falter
Entombed inside me is something that is beyond this state of the world,
beyond all the reality TV show drama, the sex scandals, the murder-suicides,
what a Hollywood starlet wore this week, who got shot and blown up yesterday;
Ruddy, thats what they call my complexion
A mix of pure white and dots
I am calico
The contours of my body are softly proportioned
a little extra here and there but I am muscled
I am strong
As the government cleans itself, it sees what is outside itself as more dirty.
Surrounded by adversity;
expected to fall and fail.
The middle child over looked,
Invisible to one and all.
I try to find my place
I try to find my skills;
instead I drown in obscurity,
When i think of you
so far away
sitting there with all your friends
laughing like the day will never end
when i think of you
caught up in the life you're living
It's like taking a child's favorite toy;
it's not fair and it makes the child cry,
but it is something that can be stopped,
Unlke so many things.
Like a toy broken in two
I just want the me I was before I knew what it was like to have to live each living day without you, it's been such a long time since I've seen me and I miss me
We awake to a hopeful sunrise.
We play, We laugh, We love, We live.
Always expecting bright and sunny days
only to be dissappointed by the alternating shift of mother nature.
Belabored by life; we dwell in weight.
they look at me and all agree
they think im a stuck up white girl
like, "she probably gets all her shit for free"
ive got blonde hair, blue eyes.
and my skintone is real white
To make a difference
We have to stop waiting for others to change.
Be the change.
Look at making a change yourself where it counts,
And be the change.
Make a pledge to be the best
Yellow leaves, from the maple tree that lined our street
Falling stars race across the sky; it makes me fall to my feet
Change starts with you, when you change others will follow in the direction you want them to; just stay positive and you'll reach a point to happiness and achive your brightest star.
The life of a young woman is boundless and untamed
There is no way of telling where she will go next or who she will become
The crazy twirl that destincts
Who she is
The girl I was years ago is gone
If i could i would change how people talk to each other,
and how people react.
If i could i would change how people act sometimes.
i would change peoples motivations,
and peoples perspective.
Look at me behind my mask
Look and see who I really am
If looking could be made more than a task
You’d see the mask was all a sham
I built a wall and so did you
We hid across the way
I look at the world around me.
Full of love, joy, hope.
Marred by hate, pain, doubt.
I see myself in the middle of it all.
So small, what can I do?
So insignificant, what can I change?
Behind all the filters,
my pictures hold natural beauty.
Behind the makeup and touch-ups,
I have freckles that engulf my face.
Behind the smiles,
I hold back years worth of overcome struggles
What I see is different how can this be
The light in my eyes are a bit brighter than yours
My heart beats and thinks lesser than yours
I feel like a wildflower in a pool of roses
Everything, Everyone
By filters we are run
They filter our food
And any words 'rude'
When did we lose
What made us true?
Please, please
Listen to me
I loved you so much I thought I could never let go
I thought these were true feeling that you showed
but I know now and ive started to grow
I loved you so much I thought I could never let go
I thought these were true feeling that you showed
but I know now and ive started to grow
This is my brother and I.
See? We are young.
We look like saints,
wearing neck pillows
on our heads,
his red, mine blue.
Our hands are in
a prayer formation,
“You walk funny.”
These words have plagued my school experience.
No one knows the reason behind this walk,
They don’t know that my muscles don’t work and I’m slower than the rest
My main goal
Trying to be unforgettable
Want to leave my name, show how I played my game
Making my way through all the fakes
Trying to avoid all the mistakes
Not loosing my way of direction
People These Days
They are changing like leaves in the fall
And they leave you like
They don't need you at all...
We're together,
Till the end.
We giggle and laugh,
We are friends.
There starts to be jokes,
We can no longer take.
Our unbreakable bond,
starts to break.
We no longer look,
I am simple.
I am plain.
I am imperfect.
I am mighty.
I have so much to do and so much to say
And I know that if I was able to remove that one thing from my chest
that one thing that keeps the light in
All eyes on you
Its time to tell the truth
We finally got the spotlight camera action
We must take action
So we must act
Not on a stage with the man pulling the strings
This is not oz
Surrounded by a crowd of millions.
A lonely sould with a sack on her back.
Chitter chatter amongst the many,
thoughts that will never be heard.
Longing for a rememberance of what it used to be,
Her story started like everyone else
She had two parents, two sisters
And lived in a house
She had friends, and family for miles and more
Not knowing the rain was starting to pour
As I walk through the streets of the city
I see people stare as I walk by
My mind makes me think of why
Why does the chains of society have a constant need to judge when I am asked to change for what they want it's ok but when I change for what I need it's hard to make happen people constantly let my past decide my future I can't change my past but
I’m one man and sometimes I can’t feel any smaller
A kid who gives his all but is done growing taller
Done with the world, wanting no more in life
Than to tear a hole in the sky and see what heaven looks like
I grab a rag from the old wooden stand;
Society was staying my hand.
Begging and screaming to not take it off;
But as I stared at myself in the mirror;
I was not happy with myself.
Prejudiced discrimination is rampant in today's society.
You discriminate because your classmate isn't as smart as you are-
He has never before had an opportunity to be educated.
If people could read minds what would they see
Many people struggling or living happily
People wear masks to hide the way they feel
Sadness is dark like a dark winter's night
Sadness taste like salty tears falling down your face
Sadness smells like dead rose
Sadness looks like glass being broken
Sadness sounds like your last breath
This November I went O’er my previous sights
I saw a glorious view in a bright hue,
It’s Wicca, a new horizon but an old way.
I come to it openly and with a heavy heart
I dance, I ride, I feel the music and nature,
The road to success is marked with signs and always under construction. To make something new out of what was old, there must first be destruction.
Nothing EPIC to write about, clean and sober. Wondering just how much longer until this hell is over. No visions of riches no dreams of fame, no delusions of grandger and nothings the same. The pounds I put on are supposed to be healthy.
Slowly eroding,
Depleting and lacking,
Fear evident, plastered upon my features,
I lean in closer, not willing to consent to living a life of despondency,
Even if I was neglected by society.
When you think about change, what do you think about?
Changing yourself, others, your community, the world?
Media has come to make people want to change themselves.
It picks at people and publicizes every little mistake.
I miss having hickies;
you still leave me
love notes, once in a while.
But never on my skin.
Love is not love
when you have to think about it.
If I could change one thing
In this world of random chances
I would change how long sunsets cling
So I would have time to take a million glances.
I would make the sun set slower
Abandoned and angry.
Alleys and attackers.
Abandoned and angry.
Avalanches and alligators.
There would be ultimate peace
among each and all countries,
among individuals.
In my perfect little world.
There would be no crimes instead
continuous laughter would
She watched the shampoo run down the drain in rivulets of strawberry blood.
She stood and thought and tried not to think of the things that are and the thing that was.
Are we one?
It's hopeless I know this devoid of devotion.
So tired of the maddness and sick of emotions dividing the classes and poisoning the masses.
So I'm strictly devoted.
Well first thing is first
I would like to say,
as much as nobody wants to admit it,
we are all here for the same reason
and that is for the pay.
Even Shakespeare would do this,
if it meant wealth.
So who is the man in the mirror?
The real one- you know? The one behind the filter
hidden away, disquised
because no matter how hard he tries...
There is something different--
With the sun in my mouth,
and the cloud in my heads,
Don't put your foot down in my dumping ground.
One of kind,
to myself,
the image you see,
is not what you'll get.
Wishing that I knew what to do.
Yearning for the day
that I'll get a clue.
Get a clue as to why I
let them antagonize me.
Because all I really want
is to be free.
Yesterday I thought I was dead
My pen was gone
My brush had disappeared
My brain was lost
The clouds were gray
And the sky was black
The rivers were full of blood
Butterfly change
Let your beautiful colors be seen
Let your wings go free
It’s time to come out
To share your beauty
To bring some joy
To spark some fun
It’s time to fly high in the sky
I know I can't talk without stammering.
especially in front of you and others.
the memories are to hard for me to think about again.
this poem is lame.
i fucking know already
Don’t take no for an answer, and we can change this place.
Make them believe in love and second chances.
Teach them what it means to be alive.
It's easier to be alone where you know no one can touch you.
It's easier to be alone because you don't have to care for anyone.
It's easier to be alone because you know you can't hurt anyone.
Even though I'm freckled and thick
Even though I'm blind and poor
Even though I'm short and white
Your words don't hurt me anymore
I've come to learn what it's all about
Being abstract is not bad.
You don't want to like everyone else.
Being creativity and rare is beautiful.
This world embracres everyones beauty but, tends to forget their own.
I hurt him.
My first love.
I fell hard.
I forgot.
I erased.
I escaped.
I yearned.
I fought.
I resisted.
I regret.
I got hurt.
I hurt him.
Change will save the world.
Treating others diferently because of their skin color,
sexual preferences,
height, weight,
likes, dislikes,
financial status,
religious views,
and disabilities
I am just me. I have nothing to hide behind these two curtains of mine.
My eyes see all these fake people just barely surviving.
I am judged because of my opinions, when in fact they are the truth.
Whenever I feel I feel,
I feel you,
No one has control over me like you do,
Around you lately I'm always hurtin"
You make me hate who I am,
You make me feel worthless,
Woke up one day,ready for a change, trying to dream those disney dreams. A bippity boppity boo and my dream would come true, id look like a princess, or maybe even one of those perfect cartoons.
They always say love yourself first,
other wise, you'll end up hurt.
But I'm tellin' you I loved me before.
It some how got out of hand and I started loving you more...
than myself.
For a second,People laughFor a second,People shoutFor a second,People cryFor a moment,There is peaceFor a moment,There's a songFor a moment,
The doors of a shuttered house stand closed
You walk up to the desiccated grounds
No true path
No sign of color or vivid life
No way to get past the hound
Our generation will be known for nohing.
Never will anybody say,
We were the peak of mankind
Captivated by her beauty, the beast overcomes me.The beast i cannot tame. The beast that tells me who i am. And who i want to be.I see the way you look at her.The way she looks at you.
You count down,
It's almost time.
The tears they fall,
No going back now.
Aye, it’s time for a recap
Rapper Kristen in the house,
Now let’s hit it!
Y’all take notes from my amigo Hayek.
Say’s new law makes us more efficient
Hi, My name is Abriana, and I'm addicted to him. He is like my drug, never good for me but still good enough to silence the pain.
Stifling sounds of a chair colliding with the adjacent wall send vibrations throughout my room.
Let us linger here a while in the foolishness of things. Let the wind and the rain cleanse all our sorrow and shame.
Who do you pray for at night before you go to sleep?
What do you feel when you see the homeless on the street?
How can you walk with your head held so high
when an innocent mother never got to tell her child goodbye.
If I could I would
climb to the sky
on the clouds I'd stand
and stare down to the crust.
If I could I would
make perfect change
that would remain constant
until we all turn to dust.
I scream and shout
You hear me from across the room
I'm a bright prescence even when you want nothing to do but get away
Always laughing
Wearing a constant grin
Doing my best to pull out a smile or a chuckle
Who is the real me? Am I the person who people look to for a good laugh when they’re feeling down?Am I the person who is there for my friends and family in their times of need?
I changed my look
I changed my hair.
I changed for friends who won't be there.
I changed my smile
I changed my clothes
I thought my change would be worthwhile
I was misguided. My demons would taunt me. Convince me to wander on countless occasions. I'd roam around until they'd finally attack. They always did and always do, as soon as they see their chance. They feed on any sign of weakness.
I've heard it said- is it true?
The heart of men is wicked.
But does that just include men?
Are women wicked?
Men are deceitful.
Are women not?
It’s easy to put mercy out of sight.
Forget that people feel like you and I.
This is the world that lives in black and white.
They say that change will not come overnight.
Knowledge fills me and leaves me uplifted, it's taken me to heights that I could never have predicted, changed my life for the better. My priorities have shifted, showed me ways to heal my heart scars where pain was inflicted.
They’ll try to hold you down, you know,
That’s just how these things go.
The failures will only help you grow,
That’s just how these things go.
I can't do shit here.
It's like I'm stuck in a mere
fearful situation
minimum freedom with
maximum limitation.
Everyone here is waiting
and remembering.
The sun is hot, the wind is low
and soft against your face.
The trees are green, their shadows
tall and cool in their embrace.
The grass is bright, the flowers vivid,
and swaying in the breeze.
Be strongNothing ever last for longIt wouldn't last forever you knewBut its okay he still cares about youJust hold on to your heart for nowWipe the sweat from your brow
Would you notice, that If I gave you my love , would you save your love for me ? Would you cherish the delicate strength or would you let it slip away into anyone's port?
I was a Seed,
Dormant and Unyielding,
Until I was planted.
With water and light,
I sprouted my first leaf.
Beauty is an anomoly.
It is a power and a curse.
it creates popularity,
and it empties out your purse.
Beauty isn't trivial,
it is a passion and a duty.
As the desire to be beautiful.
The room is too warm
My palms are sweatty
He paces, glancing at the pages.
Time is running out
I read fast but nothing sticks in my mind.
I can't remember the answeres.
He glances my way and i flinch.
You can't see it but insults are weapons, actual weapons. Everydaycitizens use these weapons we were born with to harm other people.Wake up, words hurt. We, the people, we have been trained, and, we
To those who died, for the things you believed
Do you think the world, has gown from your seed
Has the tree expanded, to its furthest height
Becoming overgrown, even disppearing from sight
This is still my bed,
but now I don't quite fit.
My feet hang over the edge
for the monsters to sink their teeth into,
with their hands around my ankles.
The winds of time are changing-
like you'd never thought they would.
The winds of time are changing
as hard and as largely as they could
The winds of change they change
sweep in and out
This world.
Yes. This one
The one you're a part of
Is dying
The United States falls
The Middle East quarrels
The world is gripped by panic, and fear
I put down the glass and drew back fast,
but on the counter it would not stay
for all i know, with one more swallow
all my problems could fade away.
staring in the morrow above the bathroom sink
Sometimes we sink in.
Someimes we all.
Somehow we are consumed
For feling so small.
Sometimes we are weak.
And, sometimes, that's okay.
But then our vision becomes bleak,
Bright lights flashing,
extended lashes batting,
one last breath and I rush on stage
this is no longer me.
captured my the music,
lost in the movements,
this is no longer me.
Restricted to elements and principles
Technical lines behind computer screens
Dying inside the artist screams
Let Our Freedom Ring
Colors that have to have reason
Not just for feelings of a season
I was on a train headed back to my college after visiting home for the weekend.
I took advantage of the ten-and-a-half hour ride to write an essay for World Literature.
English is my intended major
Born of copper intertwined,
On a hot press in 1969.
Never meant to be worth more than a cent,
Carrying a rigid core that could not be bent.
With all of the shoving, moving tossing and throwing,
she is nothing
she is nowhere
she is confused
she has been told who to be her whole life
she has no idea who she is
she has been........
My name is Jahmire, I'm at a point in my life where I must face my fears and remove the bitter taste of tears. Time to look in the mirror, emotionally see things clearer, finish my intellectual and moral education and be something pure.
I took a walk into the trees,
Alone and without fear.
The wind whistled through leaves,
A song that was just for me.
I hope you know I can.
I can be there for you.
I can make you smile.
I can make you feel.
I can change.
I can stop.
I can forget the bad.
I can love again.
I hope you know I can.
Can you feel it? Can you feel that Change?
I can feel it blowing our way.
Can you see it? Can you see this new day?
I can hear it calling our name.
Change is coming down.
Change is coming now.
I thought
chameleons were beautiful.
But where is the respect
in changing on every whim,
for those who won't have us as we truly are?
I thought chameleons were beautiful,
You would think someone with a disease would have problems in school such as socializing or generally fitting in. Growing up down south and moving to New York city was a huge change for me.
College is the time to be free
To soar and be oneself
To explore what the world has to offer
Scared and silent, I was often unheard
Misjudged, overlooked, ignored
For years I struggled on,
burning with passion and expression,
She was jogging late one evening As every night she did Aware not of the treachery That falling darkness hid
I am a woman
The first thing you see is my body
Then my face
I am a woman
A slut if my heart loves several men
A bitch if I speak with force & determination
The day is old, the day is new
Tears that fall create much dew
Darkness comes to take us all
We stand together or we’ll fall
Day is old, day is new
The light above grants a few
The journey awaits
Get ready to embark
We don’t want to be late
It’s almost time to start
The ship is ready
Strong and tall
It is steady
And sure won’t fall
The world is a dark place
All people are bad
Never trust anyone
We hide behind a mask
Darkness is within us
We must better ourselves
Negativity is dangerous
Light can brighten our soul
It started out so nice....
And carefree....
Full of love.....
Full of laughter.
But then mommy changed.....
She yelled.....
And scarred the mind.
It is true what they say...
What would I change?
Oh how vast that question is.
There is no limit to the problems in our world.
To be alone in this world is not as bad as feeling alone surrounded by the population;
They look at me like I'm some kind of abomination;
It seems that everyone has their lives in order, except this one individual;
This generation can change the world
And we don’t even have to get off our laptops
My generation cannot hide from the world
There is no distance
Ukraine is next door.
West Africa across the street.
She wakes up but refuses to get out of bed; she’s too scared to allow more thoughts in her head
Standing before her mirror she begins her daily ritual, who will she be today?
She grew up being told to be honest
She knew she had to be her best
She was told ‘fight for what you believe in’
She spoke her mind far too often
Now she’s being told to be silent
Having a new life is like finding
love at first sight.
being change is like allowing
yourself to in a hand that
would never fail you.
as my life go on daily i gain more strength
I have a dry ass reality
A reality filled with corridors
And cobwebs
of unrequited dreams
I’m within a dimension
That I can’t fathom
Putting on of my hands
Are you the person who seats in the back of the class and when someone calls on you
everyone looks back and ask whose that
The reason for my anger is that I'm frustrated
that no one seems to take the time and listen
to many opinions but no real facts
Often, I'm precieved from a distance, as this average girl. I've always been this very shy, a self confomative young lady. I hope to leave a legacy. I don't wish for wealth or popularity.
As I ruminate over everything my parents had done for me
I declare in my thought, before it slips, it gets caught
I will repay them back for the hardwork they did so I can be here, now
I cant stop myself from thinking about you
I cant even bring myself to talk to you
its kinda hard to concentrate too
your beautys so strong
its got me sick with the flu
I got sick from you
Could it be
That what needs to change
Is the fear of change?
When change is abundant it dies
For it becomes an indefinite routine
But what is change if we do it consistently?
We all have a dream
Laying awake or up at night
It's that one thing
You can't stop thinking about
I want to teach
My students will soar
We can all make a difference
I'm going to start early
Cobblestone brusied skin with a touch of ivory
And you knew how to get to me
See you reminded me of my mother
Yes oh how my mother would enter my consciousness
With her ability to patent and sell silence
Why do i feel like this is my fault when im the only one that trying?
Each one of my relaships slowly dying.
I just want to feel loved but maybe thats asking for too much.
Just once i would like to know a loving touch.
As I write these lines
I hope it revives
The past generations, the past lives
To realize scrutinizes what Im about to say.
If I were to be heard, it would be now.
But in the past.
I get used to the feelingBut some people don'tThey get what they want so easilyAnd experience no bumpsI knew I wouldn't get itI still know why I tried
What makes me tick
I haven't hands or a face
like a clock
Just gears in my head
slow and steady
whir and buzz
What labels on those gears, dear
Sitting here, thinking of you, I can't help but look in the mirror of my eyes and think about all the shit I've been through hoping to find a glimpse of happiness and solitude.
Just another day, living the same old way
No risks, change of pace, new dance
But can I really just remain and stay
And never sway from this stance?
Another familiar tune and cliché
His skin color does not mean
to violence he is keen
Skin color can't tell what lies
within a person, be it cruel or kind
My part of the end of the earth
My circle of influence
My family, my school, my church, my city
Is my responsibility
I have been given a mission as important as survival
Obama wants a change. To have to world rearranged. Let's do this right. We can change during the day or night. We can change a person's life.
We can do this.
Can one not speak in verse to the page?
As if it were Darwin instead of David?
The words would flow better,
and not be exagerrated from California to the Atlantic.
Our world looks mangled and torn.
Like papers shredded and put in the garbage.
Like a car smashed into a sequoia.
Like a house left in ashes after being lit in bright red flames.
Our world is ugly, and cold.
To change the world, the world must first observe.
People must envision the consequenses of their actions,
Follow the path from them to the climax, the suffering they cause,
Either for themselves or others.
in lucid pristine existence.
from troublesome reality.
Delicate wings,
You stretch them to fly,
but ensnared by the inexperience,
What is inspiration but a fanny pack full of hammy down quotes from people no different than you or I. Or is it indifference that allows one to be different. "Haters gnna hate!"
A dream thats lost means that all hope is gone
A dream thats found means that courage is back on
Things that you follow means nothing at all
Its until then that you realize to go for a chance
Making a statement, I'm now living in the present
But My past? made me stronger so i remember although it has passed
cloudy but after the rain there's a rainbow, sun shining at last
Too inconsistent to be myself,
I am three thousand pieces of a mask
Ripped up and stuck together
With brittle glue and strings:
But they never hold.
I’m a shape shifter,
My very favorite comfort in life is closing my door,
Not dealing with the judgment that opinions deliver,
Living safe in a hollow home of maybes and seems.
I will look upon a normal tree,
Robust trunk and swinging leaves,
Then realize I wanted a flower.
I’ll tell myself it could be one,
Then it is, the transformation done,
Less of a tree with each passing hour.
To change oneself; what a contriversial issue.
"Never change yourself" they say.
"Be yourself" as if that was the only way.
But I disagree.
For we all change.
Change for the better.
Large and stuffy building, jam packed full and tight,
Hundreds of students gathered, trying to do what’s right.
“Get an education!” they tell us every day,
But what they fail to do, is to teach us the way?
The pit pattering of heart stills
Earth stops, water spills
Thinking of ourselves as nothing?
Passionately desiring for something
Others forever against us
Not wanting to hold us or defend us
If my Head is up there
a part of the clouds,
then let the words that come out my Mouth,
be the first droplets of a Storm.
Storms can flood towns,
clearing away rust and rubble
I am alone
Every day I sit
At the edge of my home
and I whisper to the abyss
Later I return
Hoping to hear
A whisper clear
From the Abyss
little toad what do you see?i see love hate and apathy;i see cristians jews and athiestsi see fools of sorts who go off to war.but dont know what they are fighting for.
Won’t you listen?
Do not ask my name,
For that was not my question.
Heed my words and my message.
Both of you,
All of you,
Every one of you.
The world is crumbling,
Dear to bear witness
To this lifes sickness
And the grutus way
Mankind gets this
We are born free
Yet born to just die
Ur first freedom slipped so quickly
Gods beautiful creation
You know what ticks me off?
How people can be so cold
Dirty looks and a lousy greeting
I'm new to this place, it's my first meeting
All I want is a simple smile
I'd like to see that every once in awhile
It is dangerous to underestimate the value of this life.
It is dangerous to belittle the opportunities to overcome strife.
Life is fragile.
When it is lost, it is hard to know how to respond.
This is the place where all the kids come out to play...when it's real late and no one knows their names. Playing more than video games.
She used to be the sweetest girl ever, but her life became stuck in a sour chapter.
She cries as she lies wide awake at night.
Trying to keep her mind from losing this fight.
Life only favors the richWorking hard till deathWill we ever stop to restSeeing the rich enjoy lifeThe poor watch with doleful eyes
As the music plays, the only way to feel again is let love in. Can't you see it? Smiles contagiously shine. Ecstatic bliss overwhelms hearts. Consciences brighten with what is right. The color yellow glistens on the faces of the world.
The mascot of Nintendo;
And the greatest hero of all time.
He loves jumping around;
Grabbing Mushrooms and Fire Flowers;
Stomping on Enemies;
Exploring the Mushroom World;
Young ladies too young to know what real love is. Too young to be dropping out of school. Popping out 3 or 4 babies at a time, spreading your legs for anything that walks by. Do you have any respect for yourself?
Long ago, the fire was dwindling
With a roar, it kindled and manifested might
That devastating roar was realization;
I wasn’t truly alive
This is the element of my sign:
Times here on this planet Earth may be hard sometimes. I keep talking to myself in my head saying, "When will these problems end?". We keep thinking to ourselves, "If I just had this, I'd be happier".
I’ve heard America’s laughter and see smiles on their face I’ve heard America’s words to others, a disgrace I’ve felt Americas sorrow and anger from their mothers I’ve seen America’s racism and how one can act toward others I’ve witnessed America
Will you ever notice me?
When I turn away from me?
Change my hair, my body, my animation?
Just to win your admiration.
You grow up and they tell you to look a certain way, and when it's not right they tell you to change.
They say it's okay to be different, but not to different or you will have to change.
A life of a cell without a living cellis not much of a happy life at all.You humans make my life a living hellEvery time you slip and make me fall.
300 years of slavery,
300 years in chains,
One hundred years of bravery,
This finally led to change.
Fifty years later followed Obama’s campaign,
Somehow we are still scared from all the previous pain,
I am woman, hear me bark.
Like a poodle barking at the sight of nothing.
That's what men say we argue over.
Believe me, it's something.
Cha-Ching! That's the sound of money being made, today.
One of my old poems:
My heart grows colder
My body grows harder
My hair grows longer
The days grow darker
Look back and find
I'm standing alone again
And I come to discover
Oh, you hate men? Why would you be a feminist? All guys aren't like that..That's so unfair.
You may see me as nothing more as child
But I have grown and exprienced many things
I will still experience alot but I am no mere child
I am an 18 year old child
I am a child who is legal
The sound of shoes scuffing the floor
echoed throughout the hallway.
A black hood encases her face,
hiding her from the world.
She keeps her head down,
The days that go by
Day in and day out.
My words would cry
Don’t hurt me, don’t shout.
The loudness of everyone roars in my tiny little ears,
Where I want to hear silence
And my mind to be clear.
look up at the sky, what do you see?
a big crescent moon facing straight towards me
its big, its bright, its so pretty
She takes flight.
All the light in those babydoll eyes.
Soars away from these hardships.
Tender hands burned.
In this seemingly painless discuise.
Don't leave me in the darkness.
Every day,
People suffer.
They put on those fake smiles,
pretending everything is alright.
But in reality,
it's not,
Do we know that?
They could be teased, maybe bullied.
take everything from me.
Make me into someone
who is not afraid of conflict.
Take this pain,
allow me to be okay,
for I can not bear
with this hunger anymore.
I would go out on the corners
Handing dollars to the needy
I would give them so much food
They could even be greedy
I'd go to places
Where water droplets are few
And dig a deep well
There are worse things than not talking
You can say something wrong you're stupid leave
Now this poem might start off as a little bit rude
but i think its time to speak some real hard truth
on the matters at hand that are destroying society
and bringing on an age of violence and mediocrity
Music inspires seeds of intellectual concept to sprout from a fresh mind.
Weeds find their way into a mix of ideals when the presence of spirit is in question.
I always knew this day would come.
Goodbye was never so hard before.
New days are calling, my dreams still young.
The nostalgia sets in as I attempt to remember a time in my life without music:
I just want to thank you for the chance to tell you about who I am and what I’m trying to accomplish. I’m assuming that even if you didn’t ask me, you must have wanted to know who I really am?
At times I feel its best
to let everything be decided by fate.
Sitting in the sidelines whatching what'll happen next
peering at the world as I procastinate
I went roaming
(Villanelle poem)
I went roaming in their territory,
They can break and bruise me,
I'll never stop fighting
Snickering and doubting me,
I am neither strong nor skilled,
If there's one thing that disgusts me about the world today it'd be the lack of acknowledgment of wrongs
This country is the biggest offender especially when its main goal is based off of legal tender
Be good
Take your nap
Eat your greens
Too many sweets
Makes you sick
Running wild
Making up games
We live without shame
Playing princess
And Power Ranger
Here I stand with nothing of my own,
Everything was given to me from the start.
Standing on an empty road I must take this path alone,
Watching everything fall apart.
Before you try to silence me, judge me
Before you treat my story with negativity
Social Media
Facebook -
Making a page that will deliberately describe what I want to say.
I have none
I can't change anything
between wants and needs
I don't have anything
I find a way
I take the hard road
can get me out
to make something different, transform, or convert,
making a difference in lives, or committing to work,
for change is never accomplished because it is always needed,
Steamy hands on the window pane
She takes a breath and slips away
Pulled by hands of a sick step-father
Iron bars built all around her
She threw herself to the men she saw
This world has become so sad
Peace has been destroyed because foolish men have gone mad.
And it’s because of all the misery
Of the demons voices in their heads victories.
Still like water, in the shade of palms
Beneath the arms, of a desert sun
This soul is calm, with the frequencies
Of the cosmos, flowing through me
Blue sky across rough horizon
Endless are these dry oceans
I don't seem to get the meaning in making more meek men suffer man made rules
Its a never ending cycle of tips and tunes and steps and breaks
Eyeing the moving hands,
I sometimes ponder whether our souls simply conjure
the vices that mold our souls into monsters,
or if heavy hearts simply sink like lead
when life's violent seas bring disease and death.
i saw what you went through. i saw the sadness in your eyes. i know that you thought what they said was true. and everyone who trys to help you dry your crying eyes, you push away.
i put my cap down as i arrive
temperture prospered beyond 85
its summer looking for a job
dam not having one made my momma cry
time showing the change my mind blaze with rage
A change so exciting, so different, so new
New Friends and Old Friends becoming few
Parties, Football games, Laughs, The Insane
They sit, contemplate, ready for their battles.
Fiery words are thrown, angry men scream and shout,
Bombing InquiryThe Ghost of Gun ControlWeaken a President.No Humor in Terror.Democrats, Dragons or Drones?Lost Every DayBeyond FearBroken Justice in the Bronx
19 Wounded in New Orleans Shooting
My eyes, crystal clear.
I'm opned, anew...
Inspired too.
None other than the word love can explain it-
It's bubbling over, unable to contain it.
Not wishing to do so, I wish I had none.
I am the poet, madder red
The odd accumulation of odds and ends.
Bright and tarnished, waylaid silver
My worth is determined by the words I'm giving.
But I am not only a poet of odds and ends
This isn’t some side job
that you can pick up
whenever you have
extra seconds on
your wristwatch.
The nebulas of your eyes
are always looking,
observing each individual
The white sandy beaches crash against the waves as if battling for the territory of land.
The birds fly through the air sending signals of impending danger
to their nearby relatives.
Who is poverty?Where did it come from?What will be its remedy?Why does it cause so much pain?When can we eradicate its name?How do we begin to let our lights shine and ruin its fame.?
From dawn to dusk
Unable to seize
Unable to capture
Unable to freeze.
The 8:30am heat.
It has awaken to burn
Your sole. Pigment.
A brave man will fight against all odds for those he loves
A coward will slink away
A courageous man will fight for those who cannot
I fight a battle, I fight a war
To find a job that I adore.
But it must pay well my mother shouts,
But it must be growing my father pouts.
How can I worry about such things
When I can barely find the means
There is a war waging on this world.
It is waged by every country, every boy and girl.
Every stream, every ocean feels the war’s pain.
And water fights back with acid rain.
How should I afford college?
I'm sure this question lingers
heavy upon every student's mind.
but poor Peter, for then he was lost out at sea
there was never a man so alive as was he
forever, it seemed, he was just as a child
adventurous, lost, and a little bit wild.
Change, change, change. What would I change about my appearance?What would I change about my life?What would I change about my world?
I'm in a trance
Staring at my hands, and everything they do
Everything they touch
Everything they feel
Everything they expirience
And change.
With a word backstage
When the audience becomes silent
You could hear the sound of the safety pin
holding together your costume
Applause resounds and lights search
The engine on the lawn mower roars to life,
Behind it, a homely gardener emerges,
The sweat on his brow glistens in the sun.
He stops to rest and turns to the street,
I'm finally going to fill up the pages of my life.
No more blanks. No more hesitation to fill in the spaces
with bold, deliberate strokes.
I'm going to be able to focus again
The time lost the time is gone
Our time we had was just so fun
Every time with you it was just so great
Now it seems I showed up too late
Ten thousands thoughts collide behind these eyes
Cacophonous silence that drives me wild
At all times led in every-which way
But bound by science to live in only one place
Choice is a hefty weight upon by back
I sit and stare,
My mind a blur,
With little sparks around.
They dance and sing,
and start whistling,
Hence creation starts to flow.
My head attuned,
My heart balloons,
We live in a world in need of great reform
Where discrimmination and poverty keeps us all so torn
How can we change this, you may ask?
Perhaps we should accept all individuals at last
No reflection in the mirror
Because society doesn’t see me
No confidence in my life
Due to boundaries in my community
No money at the bank
Cause I never get a raise
Only sorrow in my eyes
"Does the wind still rise?"
stories told won't be forgotten
kids running and the sun setting
tell me these don't mean something
can i tell you a story
that you will clutch and carry and
never let go
I have a voice, &I'll use it as if it were my last choice. My words and my thoughts define my expressions.
She was only 14,
When he had collapsed into her lap.
Eyes filled with terror,
Hands shaken cold.
This is how my story could read, If I could help victoms families in need.
Becoming a medical examiner would be a hardship and put me in debt,
But there is no challenge that I have not met.
“What could we change if I offered to help?”Take note of this thought. Tape it to walls.Stick this to billboards and light postsand maybe the back of your head of you're bald!
I let the shadows speak
I let the mind grow
But never let it be weak,
To discover the things I need to know.
A beginning of a moment must come to an end
The end of a moment must come to a beginning.
The paddng of boots and storms of dry dustDroplets of sweat brushed of bare backs in gusts
The breath of the sun brings the warmth of dry weatherEach wisp of a breeze carries smells of new leather
If I could change the world
I would not start with civil rights
Or sorrowful, sleepness nights
Or stopping all the senseless fights
I would not start with prostitutes
Or giving people therapy
Life allows choices..
You can be productive and impactful.
You can do nothing and be ignored.
The choice is yours alone.
Impact. Are you ready?
Take the step, find the courage, welcome the challenge...
So far, no longer
With technology and mind stronger
Galileo could never dream
that in reach was the moon's seam.
With my own hands
and Armstrong's stands
the Moon--light years away
A world once of simplicity
Has fallen into a mystery
From chaos and destruction
Humanity could only blossom
For the greater good, for the information that the people need
The people that work hard to find new technolgoies,
tests, and cures
that will heal the sick -
If I could I would
Fill the empty place in hearts
To move on in life
Because we are the broken and shattered
crooked smiles on crooked streets
treadmill runners yearning for a place to be
Because we desire to be found as "somebody"
We hear about problems,
All over our world,
How there are
And deaths allured.
What people forget,
Is how this all began,
With hatred that came,
The insecurities of a girl
fought everyday
The lust for love
always in the way
The world that we live in,
can be so cruel,
But lets look at the beauty there is too,
The green of the earth,
In the depths of Tarturus, we long for spring time.There is no spring here, in the world we live.We are surrounded by Evil.By Hatred.
In the depths of Tarturus, we long for spring time.There is no spring here, in the world we live.We are surrounded by Evil.By Hatred.
Spinning so fast goes the world,
life happens so swift it comes in a twirl.
Be still, my soul, be still right now.
It doesn't even give excitement somehow.
"Slow down!", I say as I run so fast.
Acceptance is key
labels have become a necessity
and now they determine our worth
whether it's skin color, your hometown
even your choice of clothes or your choice of faith
Acceptance is key
Ah, the good old days,
Where people laugh and smile,
And children run and play.
Kindness stays in town for a while.
Oh, the pressing present,
Where people push and scorn,
She cannot change her opinion of herself,
Can she only support the silenced.
Deep in her throat,
She knows she cannot change her opinion.
The domain of man has changed their opinions,
Of themselves,
I've never liked change too much
Change brings risk
Risk brands possibility
Possibility boils expectation
Expectation breeds disappointment
I've never liked change too much
I know that I am not alone
I know that I am loved
So ask me what my faith is
Ask me how I know
Or tell me that this science thing
Has put me in a hole
You will tell me that religion
Another day
One of hatred and greed
A world of sin with no consequence
For the deed
No shame
For the world is the same
Keeps on trudging
Day after day
But stop
If I could change something
I'd change the way you look at the world.
I'd turn the scars on your arms into butterlies and kiss marks.
i'd make you smile every night before you wen to bed.
No one knows what to expect at birth.
I didn’t choose this life, life choose me
It's just meant to be.
No one can choose,
I had to learn to adapt
It was either that, or end up on my back.
Nothings perfect in our world.
Some of us thing we are,
but we all have our quirks,
our… issues.
I don’t mind calling myself an imperfect human being,
there’s always room for change in me.
People are starving
Becoming homeless and dying
We got to make a change
By making a committee we can arrange
I saw a smuge of eyeliner
on her sunned, freckled cheek
I wish I didn't have to watch her shimmy
sighing hard
into her jeans
or smearing her lipstick
on a dry dark mouth
They called her names
They laughed as she cried
They pretended to be friends with her
They filled her head with lies
She believed their words
She took it to heart
Hello world,
Have we met yet?
Are you sure?
I could have sworn I was that veterinarian from that one time
if I couldi wouldchange every mirrorto reflect nothingbut our soulsso when the world glances,they see their beautybeaming from their hearts…or identify the crueltythat may harvest
The way they see her
The way their eyes scuttle up from her purple painted toes to the kinky curls upon her head
Fixating on the width of her hips
The rotundness of her belly
The cellulite in her thighs
I feel a change occuring
In my mind, my soul, caging
My thoughts, my affections
This emotion is raging
I feel these connections
In my neighbors, I can see aging
In eachothers' faces,
People always ask me,why some of my scarsactually spell out words.I tell them that maybe,just maybe,if those words areforever on my bodythey may someday mean
Give me a new heart,
one that is pure and clean.
Give me a heart that forgives and forgets,
Not one that keeps grudges on a chart.
Give me a heart that will never stop loving,
Changing../ It's all changing.../ It seems as if everything, has to change./ Nothing can ever stay the, same./ But if I could change, anything.../ I couldn't choose./ I'd h
Presently, I'm treading water
In a sea of memories trying
Their best to rush over me;
Like music infiltrates the ears
of the listener. That simple, that quick,
That easy to lose yourself and get
Explain to me the difference between a house and a home,
I've tried all alone but only to find it's not in my bones,
I'm deep,
Deeply lost,
Deeply sorry,
Sorry for what I am,
Sorry for what I do,
To change the world with just one thing,
An act akin to Sisyphus's to put a name to this change.
My father always told me I can't change people
I can only change myself
If I had the power....
I would change the girls on the playground who thought they were cooler
If I could change any one thing
I'd like to be able to sing.
For though I excel in much
my voice cannot do such.
The way the birds sing a song
makes me sad that I cannot sing along.
Trying to leave the 3rd World.
That's why we need UNITY!
So much sorrow and pain beneath those shawls.
If I could change one thing,
Just one thing
What would it be?
Would I change the color of the sky?
Or maybe give humans the ability to fly,
I could change the food in schools?
What Would You Change…
If you had the power to change anything what would it be?
Your hair,
Your name,
My hair
The color too dark
I would make it glow with blonde
My eyes
A dullish brown
I would make an ice colored kingdom
My nose
To pointy and big
Your pain is my pain.
My pain is yours.
We share that just like we share blood.
Struggling to get up each morning.
Praying that we make it through our day.
We are our own warriors,
in our own war.
Hatred, Anger, War. Darkness in the Hearts of Men.
From what roots grow this twisted tree?
Where drop its tangled vines?
Implanted in Human Nature,
Fear of Death, and Pain.
A growing unease, uncertainty.
More than your clothes
More than your appearance
Start with yourself, and look deeply
More than yourself
More than what's expected
Never been one to settle on one thing,
my mind always moving, never pausing to stick to one choice, one life-altering decision.
Even my love for language sometimes never seems strong enough for a life-long commitment.
We live in a huge planet
With many friends and family
That it would be nice
To be with them entirely.
But there are many influences
Around us everyday
That maybe one day
Change in one's self only happens within that one breathe, to change replenishes the unclean from being the broken to the mistaken.
A fatal choice;On but a whim the world unmake,Could I,For this inquiry's sake:"What would you change?"
There are so many ways to make change
But what is a dollar?
Just a body of ideas the government has told us is worth our time
just a collection of nickels and dimes
And, I know, a penniless poet is penless,
Shake up the nation
Change the atmosphere
Make them all know
That I am here
You say I'm a failure
You say that I'm too small
But just watch
Cause your preconsived notions
If I could change anything
I would grow claws and teeth
long enough to cut through
the fake, plastic coating
that covers the world
saying one has to be
No more hurt,
No more pain,
No more broken hearts,
And no more devastating surprises.
There is a cure for cancer.
Change. Coins in your pocket jingle
Change. From relationship to single
Change. Set a fire and let it go
Change. When spring melts the snow
Change is the wind.
Bringing with it new things
Both tangible and intangible
Taking old things
Constantly happening
Always happening
Change is the wind.
ChangeIsSo nat--ural. HowCan we say that ChangeIs strange or even deranged whenOur whole being consists of making transitions here.TheDaysGrow bothLong and short
What would I change
If I had but one choice
One thing to say
With this small, fleeting voice?
What would I change?
I could go back into history
To the outset of time
I really like your style girl but I hate the fact that you wild, play this game always ends the same is this how it all goes down?
If I could change something
what would I do?
Would I make a new building
or create a zoo?
No I would change something more important
The life of a child
One who is unspoken
They say CHANGE is good
Perhaps even necesary
But every experience i've ever encountered with CHANGE has been negative
How do you accept something that you've never wanted?
waiting on change one could be waiting a lifetime
are you waiting on your crush to confess their love to you?
are you waiting on your product to take off beyond the stars?
Our world is infected.
We are dying slowly.
Festering in their sins, our mothers and fathers
sit and wait.
and wait.
Waiting for it to end, either in light,
or darkness.
You hear it all the time
The cliched, "There are only two types of people in the world..."
But the world is more than just black and white
At sixteen years of age, in some ways I am not the girl I once was.
I am not the care-free little girl who had no qualms.
I am not the girl whom making friends was the easiest task in the world.
So many competitors, not enough prizes
I hope to seek a win in some of my suprises
My ambition to win is higher than most
Although I've been passed by as if I'm a ghost
I close my eyes.
I want to see
The canopy of oaks
Dancing together
Their mossy branches
Back and forth
To their natural rhythm
I want to smell
The rap game is constantly changing
Unfortunately, not for the better
Instead of making songs about positivity, morals, and goals
They're rapping about sex, cars, and clothes
Back to the days when life had little meaning for us. Forced out of our homes watched our son die and heard our daughter scream as they were being raped. We saw the strange fruit hanging from the trees.
Tell me Sterling, what is "change?"
" A verb; to make or become different.
Whether it be yourself
Thoughts are as common as the world
And at the same time they shape it
Sticking to our detailed minds making them twirl
Teacher, teacher, taught me well,
just about the opposite of 'rich-as-hell'.
Teacher, teacher, is what I want to be,
my dream job, my soon-to-be.
Teacher, teacher, with lesson plans,
Sew a quesiton mark to your deams
imagine where you shall be.
Maybe you are a tree
without motion
in one place for a lifetime
seeing changes around you
Boston is such a beautiful city,
Especially in the winter.
Don't you love the lights that shine
On the trees near Quincy Market
And the laughter you hear
From the people all around you?
A young woman, eighteen and fair,
With big brown eyes and long brown hair,
Made her way past the lamppost that stood,
In the middle of her neighbourhood.
To mention, to scratch, to consume
Is not enough
Eagerness, Longing, True appreciation
Is the key instead
Participation is better than observation
Sitting and waiting only bring you
If I could change anythingI would change the worldThe way we look at each otherThe way we treat the environmentThe careless outlookAnd the deep desire for money
Little children with waterfalls for glistening eyes
Feel pain left behind from the earth’s constant change
However we aren’t changing with it
The battle for peace
Isn’t peaceful at all
I dream in Green
I dream in shades of emerald and jade
I dream in trees
In plants, in mountains
And sea
The power to work and the power to try,The power to tell the truth and the power to lie,This power is within us all.But look around see how we’ve fallenShort of what we could be.
What would you change
If you could change
Anything at all?
Would you make your parents
Happy? Or would you go back
In time? Correct a mistake? Do
Better at school? Be nice to
Sat in silence and wondering how the world could be this way
We're shaped with stamps of expiration from the day that we are made
Time, my friend, he steals from me the chance to change my fate
Where does it come from?
Echos believe it comes from the places we've been.
Whispers believe it comes from the things we have seen.
All I know is that it comes to us in slow waves.
That little triangle, seemingly innocuous
Delta, the Greek letter
Symbol of change, symbol of difference
Should represent our generation, our world.
Everything changes without stop
If I could gain the courage, I’d learn how to change myself. Not because I think there’s something wrong with me, but because I know that I can become better.
Change Change Change, All about and all around
But it’s the wrong kind of change.
For my change?what would I change?
Not change as in money, not change as in cash..
But change as in movement & advancements done fast.
Change as in a beginning of something brand new,
I stretch my span of wing, in the air once again
My senses are heightened, carefully I listen;
I fly over forest, why is the green so thin?
To change the world,
Would be to change creation,
To change the world,
Would be to change war, blood, hurt,
To change the world,
Would be to change friendships,
To change the world,
Change people's actions
For others to help one another
Instead of staying in fractions
Yesterday, I thought I would change the world,
So I walked outside to see it all
Thinking, "Where should I start?"
So I began my search.
I looked to the sky,
I looked to the seas
There are things which words
cannot express
things we feel
emotions in distress
Swirling inside us
forever trapped
never to escape
and interact
There are some who see
I would change society because
it blocks reality
and clouds perceptions
I once knew him.
A boy with bright eyes and despair
that seeped through his bones over
his overpriced buttoned down shirt sleeves
yet it wasnt visable to those around him
but I knew him.
It is hard to define
Still, society struggles to be the reflection
I look at the world I was thrust into
Those before me have left me with a burden of a debt
And the wounds of war
They tell me not to worry,
They tell me that they are not the enemies
Ignorance is blindness,
and blindness is ignorance.
We walk these hollow streets,
thinking we are fine,
when truly
we are walking on
an abhorrent line.
Ignorance is blindness.
What would you change?
What would I change?
I'd chage the way peole think,
Get rid of the unnceccasary judgement.
Who needs that?
Certainy not we.
We have the power to learn,
I'm told to pick something to change.
What possibly could it be?
Would I choose more peace? Mean judgments to cease?
I simply cannot see.
Some say that appearance matters.
Hand a dollar to your neighbor if she's ever in needShare a smile with a stranger when his endeavours succeedTake a cloud from the storm and make the lonely a new friend
The world is a heavenly-hell type of place
Some days are good and some days are awful
I just wish there was one thing about me I could erase
The way people treat me, just feels unlawful
Everyone wants it. Even me.
But then I think about what I must exchange,
In order for my change to be.
I don’t want any hate,
But if everyone can only love,
I don't know what love is,
Well, that's what they said.
As they went and spouted that nonsense
To their flavor of the week.I don't know what love is?I wonder...
What is it that I feel,
Give me a generation,
and we will change the world
Give me an hour,
and you will turn the tides
Give me five is all that is required,
but deep inside you know you can inspire
did you know how much you mean to meor that I absolutely treasure youyour so unique in every way.I may make fun of you in every wayand pick on you for your little quarks
Life is full of opportunites
And it's up to me to take my chances.
To give back and not only change my life,
But change everyone who advances.
Because life isn't always easy.
Lost in a world without you,
Your just miles down the road
Living in your own world
With only technology to keep us together
But what happens
When that very foundation that kept us together
With so much wrong in this worldI cannot decide who is to blameI know not who causes povertyNor all the criminals could I name I would like to change so many things
I wonder all the time
Why they talk and whisper;
Why they can not seem
to understand
that we
are all
No one body is the same
No one mind thinking the same thought.
Too often girls hear the word NO.
NO you can't go to school- you're not allowed
NO you can't get a job- it's not in our culture
NO you can't leave the house- it is too dangerous
But I WANT to go to school
Imagine everyone being happy.
The poor, the rich, the hobos, the CEOs.
You can, and in your mind, you imagine them smiling.
After all, smiling’s happiness.
But you’ve smiled.
The world as we know it tumbles towards its demise,
And the cause of this catastrophe eludes all but the wise
Who know pollution, war and such - all harmful, there's no doubt -
Clearly share a common root, which they could not go on without.
A system of organized conformity.
Students rush from class to class.
Girls in skirts, guys in pants.
Students listen,
But they don't learn.
She didn’t wear a turtleneck;
She looked at me once;
She sat on the opposite side of the bar:
She asked to be raped.
It comes from a tree;
A tree is a plant;
Plants are green:
It comes in great voluptuous waves that knock back humanity
Or in tiny rivulets that slowly cascade and bring a passive awareness.
People are not clothesTo be cast off as the weather changesUseful, needed even, but all togetherHollow.
The Human mind is very stouborn,
very closed, and very tight.
Ever since the day we were born,
we lose our sight, to what WE think is right.
The way Humans think is not so great,
The Language of God
By: Carrie Olsen
I am in a land that is not my own.
No one knows what I am saying.
Unrestricted, uncensored, I am free.
I have a power over them, they do not understand me.
The renewing of my mind would not be an easy feat
18 years of conditioning will be a struggle to reverse
18 years of thinking that I was never enough;
good enough, smart enough, pretty enough
I would have $5 for ever hungry child I see on the street
Give the homeloess man that lives in the tunnel a cup of coffee each day
Cover the backs of those without a shirt
If I could change the world
There are many things that need a fix
But if I can only change just one,
Government policy is what I’d pick
Even if only a little can be done.
The economy is in such a bad state,
Look at you
I could dry children’s tears with your honey hair,
With your peach lips plant poppies in soft fields,
Lay clouds and oceans in your transcendent eyes.
And seek solace in the blush in your skin.
Was it childish fancy or love?
I stumbled, and then I fell
Down, down, down
Until I landed in his arms.
He always made me smile,
Made me giggle, made me laugh
I always longed to stay a while,
I would change as much as possible. The world to be in a much better place, no more war, no more hate but the world would still be balanced. I would change the world so we could have peace.
What would I change?
Some things bigger than the Earth, some things as small as a Moment,
Some things you may never have Thought of.
The smallest Moments can change the most.
What would I change?
Reach. Her arms are forever out-stretched pointing towards the sky. The rumbling in her stomach orchestrates her frustration that stirs in her mind.
If i had the power to change a thing- no matter how big or small what would it be? it would be nothing at all.How would we know what love is if we havent experienced the hate?
If I could gather the world I would show them lots of loveI'll paint them in colors of doves
We are the change that will change the worldThe change is inside every boy and girl
What is my Dream Job ?
The Question I have been asked
for many ages now
but i finally have a response
You want change you say,
and here you all are preaching it.
Preaching it to please. Please who?
Yourselves? Pu-lease.
Oh, oh, oh! I'll change lives.
I’m crying.
Right now I’m crying.
The salty sorrows slowly sinking
Caused because of too much thinking
Ten-fold more as I start blinking
Crying sadly so.
I’m screaming.
I once saw a child whose eyes were wild
Hyper little thing with dreams and hopes in the mind
Running, running, jumping, playing, smiling
Her world had talking stuffed toys, adventures filled with imagination
One day I'll make a difference, you see
Stuck and Lazy, stubborn in my own place
But now I claim there's something more to me
I'll come out first in this potential race
The stakes are high but i shall not falter
"Daddy are you on land? Daddy are you at sea? Daddy why arent you here with me?" Although we don't know where you are, one thing is for sure, your heart isn't to far. Our duaghter is saddened, and I frightened.
We woke up in this place, shattered but alive,
The world is a monstrocity, we manage to survive.
Torn up children's faces and corrupted civil wars,
School makes me lonely
It’s not like
Being here has made me friends
In my dreams I can see
Smiling faces of friends and family
But when I am awake I see
People that care for themselves
If I could change things
She would not fear alley ways
In her new short skirt
If we opened our arms,
To hug her tight,
If we wiped the tears,
of whom cried at night,
If we listened to the voices,
That were afraid to speak,
So eager to be heard,
But never said a word.
what would i change?
no matter how big or small
what would i change?
I would make the smallest kids seem tall
I would give knowledge to the ones who need it most
If I could change anything,I'd open our eyes.Open them to the childrenCalling out for help.Open them to the homelessShivering in the streets.Open them to single parents
There is no better race,
Everyone is of equal taste
In the eyes of God.
It doesn't matter what you are.
Asian or hispanic,
White or black,
People are all the same.
For a year now, I've been free from high school.
Or at least I thought I was free from its rule.
For that year, I chose to be lazy and not do anything,
Not even acknowledge my brother's engagement ring.
There is a world of prejudice out there
One filled with more hate than I could write
It progresses on
Even as its inhabitants don't
There is a world of hypocracy out there
One job can shift me into a better being
helping the blind see or give a nerveless woman feeling
What I would change
In this world with many things
Is the attitude towards women
When they wear shorter things
Because I shouldn’t be judged
Or followed down a street
For wearing a dress
They say my thighs aren’t skinny enough
That my hair isn’t long enough
Or curly enough.
They say my stomoch isn't skinny enough
That my hair isn't skinny enough
That I am not enough
But I don’t care.
What did you say
when the ink was etched into the skin of many,
pale, fragile, souls locked away for a difference in belief?
What did you feel
when the two mechanical beasts in the sky light,
I would have changed the way I treated her.
Cast away from the land of African Pride,
That one snowflake
Unable to melt or shine.
I was supposedly a nice person.
I was that girl
Classrooms are bustling.
Students are hustling.
The school day is underway.
The teacher is up front on his sway.
The same routine over and over.
The class sits, bored, getting older and older.
Although it seems to be in the trees,
or maybe that sun, or birds, or bees,
that make us all feel a bit more alive,
I think this solution resides inside.
Happiness can't be contracted like the flu,
What would you change? The shape pf your body, or the color of your skin? The size of your car, or the car you live in? Or maybe thats all too cliche for you.. perhaps you would change the world, and end the wars too?
If I had the power to change things
I would not change much
Just the direction of my feet
When the ground is hard and
Laden with a cobbled facade
I would change the sound of a tragedy
If I could change one thing, it would be discrimination
The only thing it brings its separation
The world has no place for segregation
We are brothers and sisters
So why are we adversary?
To the poet who uses words to explore,
to you who thinks you know more,
you manipulate a bondage of words to stage,
I the historial who studies the past,
If I could change the world,
I would abolish prejudice;
Or the bumpy past,
That created it.
No race more superior,
No size more supreme.
Only happiness,
And positivity gleamed.
I don't want to seem selfish
I know there's bad all around
But this holllow sound of emptiness
Drowns out all of the cries for help
I don't want to seem selfish
It’s not working
And not much has changed
So it’s time for blunt action
To take place.
I should not worry
Walking home at night.
Teach your sons no means no
To change, alter, modifyIf I had the power to revolutionize,Every stroke of the brush placed in my right handwould ever so gracefully trace my vision.
To look in the mirror and see something different,
I wonder if that’s the apple I’d pick.
It's such a strong word,
A prevelant issue,
Something that separates,
It leads to wars.
It does not love.
It is an unjust system.
It hurts.
You ask what I would change myselfWell, my friend, you seeThere's nothing I wish to change in myselfBe I'm perfectly flawed as me
Choice is a conscious decisions
We choose what we wear
And what we say
And what we do
But Love is not a choice
Love is a feeling
Mysterious and dangerous
Silently screaming
listen to me wen i say
that im done
its over
i need it to be over
listen to me when i say
that im ready to try
im ready for this to end
listen to me when i say
I look forward to the day
When the share post doesn't need to say:
"Share if you are a strong black woman who doesn't need a man."
"Share if you are a strong woman who doesn't need a man."
Devilish deliverer of darkness
Eerie establisher of ease
Faithless father of fear
I loved her so until the end
but even my love could not mend
of the evil that lived inside
of her and continued to hide
We had to make our schedules bend
Look at Pam, at Sam, and even Frank
Look at all the misfortune kids around the world.
People don't seem to understand
people think we're bubbly
overly happy and hysterical teenagers
when in reality we're the complete opposite
It's not all rainbows and unicorns
He said this
She said that
You come to me asking for help
because you know
you know that I will
even if I'm ill
don't question it
but when you leave and talk behind my back
The eyes of my mother show me.
I see the change of life imposed upon her.
Her hair lightes to gray.
Her skin shrinks on her hands.
Her memories only vivid in her imagination.
To give youth to the aging.
Honesty is all I would change
maybe if we all could be genuine love would not be in vain
if I could change the roles of honesty
maybe a liar would feel the victims pain
He lied to me that's why I feel this way
I search, but never find the key that unlocks my mind. The truth to a lie, a clue to crime. A heart that never dies, a soul that never cry's.
I'd change the construction business.
They stop traffic
Take up time
And NEVER seem to finish the job.
Late to work,
The only thing the tires
get is dirt.
The way it is built
Sometimes it feels like I'm walking in circles
Encountering the same things everyday
Like a boring routine
An exit door is at a moments reach
The door's unlocked
But I still walk in circles
i wonder if we will ever realize we look an awful lot like ants
working so hard to move over a crumb
proudly building our beds but the storm can wash it away any minute
panicking over a dew drop
There are people everywhere,
living life without a care.
But with a plea and a cry I beg for them to open their eyes.
Plastic Islands in the Sea
Merky water filled with pee.
No longer peaceful and sarene
What sustains life on earth
What began life on earth
What we rely on day by day for the relief in our bodies
It’s chopping the thread that holds his life
The thread is cut deep
I want to live in a world without hate
Everyone who is muslim is not irate
If God is love then why are there religious wars?
The amount of fighting since ancient time soars
An awful, six billion ton'd word..
You can feel it build like a crescendo in an orchestra in seconds...
You can hear it crash through walls no matter how deaf..
At the top of the ladder is your goal.
Each of the ladder's poles represents
Your steps and efforts to get closer to that.
And your soul plays a major part in your pace.
Did you ever think
The young girl with the brace face
Or the boy who was afraid to come out
Or the teenage mom who to her family was only a disgrace
Would be living on the brink
Of a never-ending sleep?
Look at the leaves change
Why can't we change something, too?
I wanted to change.
Changing me would be
Trying to change a brick wall
I tried way too hard.
Worked at it all day
This world is tuff
So are we
The young,
The old,
the weak.
It only takes one.
No more No less.
Will that one be you?
I look out onto the world,A broken, world full of hate,Changing minds and people unsat,
If I had the power, I would help a baby bird to fly. I would teach it how to use its wings. I would catch it if it fell. I would make it believe in itself. If I had the power, I would help the mother on minimum wage.
I dream of world, our world
A world where kindess is a first instinct
where we stand together in all times
we work together to better the world
my world, our world
you have so many great things about you
your jokes make me laugh
your smile makes me happy
your voice can change my mind in a secent
by now i know i love you but...
your anger scares me
You can't look at yourself in the mirror anymore
without seeing failure written on your forehead.
You're at an all time low.
Im tired
tired of waiting to have a perfect body
tired of all the screaming
tired of all the lies
tired of not being perfect
why cant life be easy
why cant our generation be in peace
Imagine a world with no color
How dull our lives will be
Every moment the sky gray
That’s not the way
Our dreams won’t be dreams
We will wake up with screams
Because a world with no color
We live in a world where celebrities have replaced role models
And political leaders are universally labeled “liars,”
Childhood idols crowd rehab centers
And Gagas have replaced our Ghandis,
If I had the power to change something, I wouldn’t change anything.
Between me, my community, and the world
There is nothing to change, not one thing.
If I could change one thing
It would be so that the world could stop hating.
It would be so that the color of my skin,
The religion that I practice,
The people whom I choose to love,
Sick of pulling that mask on again today.
Sick of playing the part of the girl they expect to see.
Tired of trying so hard to find the right way.
Change is what people think they can accomplish
Change is what people think they can bring to themselves,
Yet they can't bring it to what we call "today"
We have people dying of hunger,
Place me in a world of peace
and I will know bliss.
Throw a grenade of love into the city
and they, too, will know this.
Take out your tazer
and shock me with kindness.